Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day 110

Happy December!

This afternoon Libby and I went on the holiday homes tour in Mission Hills, KC (aka the super, awesome, rich neighborhood).  There were four houses on the tour all decorated for Christmas, and just really well decorated in general.

This was actually the last house we went to.  It's hard to tell from this picture, but as we were walking up Libby and I decided it looked spooky like a haunted house.  Ok, so I just tried to find a picture on google street view that showed it's creepiness, but screen shots are beyond my level of expertise.  Anyway, the point of telling you it looked creepy and old, is that when we went inside they told us it was only 13 years old and the owner specifically built it to look like a Georgian home.  They also told us that symmetry is important in that style of home, so the owners put in fake doors.  weird.  I think that would confuse me all the time.  I like the idea of building a new house that looks old, though.  Best of both worlds.

This was the 3rd house we went to and it was my favorite.  It looked really fancy on the outside and had these ugly giant columns in the yard that you can't see, but the inside was very cozy and down to earth.  They had 3 kids and all the kids had really cute, fun bedrooms.  They also had a lot of really cute family pictures around, which I think was the only house like this.  It was a huge house.  We saw 6 bedrooms and we didn't even go in the basement.  They also had this awesome play room/theater on the 3rd floor, which isn't what I was expecting at all when I went up there.

This was the 1st house we went to, it was right off the plaza.  Just one man lives here and he had a lot of really weird modern art.  This house also had a secret passage way from the pantry to the master bedroom, but we didn't get to go in it...lame.  This house also had a built in fryer and steamer in the kitchen, and the biggest wine opener I've ever seen, it was almost 2 feet tall!  Oh, and this house had an old coke vending machine in one of the bathrooms... you know, in case you get thirsty while you're doing your business.

I really liked the outside of this house, but the inside was like a classy version of hoarders.  The tour lady called the owners "eclectic collectors".  I think they were just pack rats with money.  They had a giant cat they got from a carousel on their stairway... odd.  They also had an entire crucifix collection/shrine, and generally a lot of really knick-knacky things set out on every horizontal surface.  When we were leaving Libby said she could see a bunch of stuff piled up in their garage haha

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