Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day 137

Today we are spending our second day in Austin.  On our walk to the capitol yesterday Rick and I found a place that had $1 breakfast tacos.  We went for breakfast this morning and they were pretty tasty...and super cheap.  My cousins Erin and Mandy joined us and it was a nice relaxing time.

After breakfast we met up with some more of the family to check out the Austin Museum of Art.  There was some interesting pieces, but I'm not a big art person.  I just like what I like and that's the extent of my interest.  My grandma and I were sitting in a very quiet room waiting for everyone else to finish when she commented not so quietly that a man standing in front of us had tattoos on his arms, and how that must have hurt haha.  I suppose when you get to be that age you can say what you want.

Tonight we hit up a music joint called the Elephant Room with my dad to hear some live music.  My cousin Chris awkwardly asked our waitress "how many months along she was?" and when she looked confused he tried to play it like my sister had asked.  It was pretty hilarious, when she shot back, "Are you afraid to ask if I'm pregnant?"  We had to give him a little talk about how you NEVER ask a woman if she is pregnant.


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