Friday, December 24, 2010

day 133

The Y in el dorado is having a special this week where you get in free with a friend. We went this morning with our friends katie and Charlie and tanner and cassie. Katie's mom is a trainer there and she really put us to work. My arms were like jelly afterwards! But we still decided it would be fun to play some 3 on 3 basketball. It was a pretty crazy game and my team ended up losing by one point after being ahead the whole game. Cassie got sidelined with an injury when tanned got a little rough and knocked her down. She skidded like 10 feet across the floor on her side haha. When she went to get a band aid she had to fill out an accident report. Lol. Then we played some knockout and a little boy who was probably 8 joined us. Rick and Charlie were rooting for him the whole time.
It was a really fun trip. Now were just hanging out waiting for libby and tom to show up.
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