Thursday, December 16, 2010

day 125

Guess who just took their last law school final?
But you still have one more semester, how can you have taken your last final?
Because I am a super planner (true story) and managed to only take classes without finals in my last semester.  Go me!

I have returned to the land of the living, and I'm dressing like a normal person again.

After my final this morning, I wrapped up my cases at the clinic for the next two weeks, finished my Christmas  shopping (almost, a few more things to get), finished my final paper, and finally responded to all the emails about symposium that have been piling up in my inbox.  It's been a very successful afternoon.

Now I'm off to try my 3rd stout... a Coffee Stout.  I think I forgot to blog about my 2nd one, an oatmeal stout.  It was fairly uneventful, definitely did not taste like my delicious breakfast oatmeal, but it got better the more I drank.

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