Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day 123

I am probably going to get killed for this but here we go anyway.

It's finals week, that most stressful time of year. I'm lucky, I had one final on Monday and a "paper" to turn in by Friday, not bad at all. Jessie is a little more stressed since her final is more important and isn't until Thursday. This had lead to a lot of her sitting at the table in the kitchen, wrapped in a blanket studying.

The other day I came home and found Jessie wearing the BEST OUTFIT EVER. The picture doesn't do it justice. It was red wooly socks, red shorts, a green psi u shirt of mine and her Orange illini sweatshirt. It was awesome.

If I'm killed its been fun.
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1 comment:

  1. LOL!!!! I am SO glad you got this on camera Rick!! Good work! I was hoping to see a photo since Jess told me about it! :)
