Saturday, December 4, 2010

Day 113

Earlier this week Libby's new lover Tom invited Rick and I to come over to KC tonight to celebrate Libby's promotion.  It was a surprise and she didn't know we were coming.  It turned out great and I think she was very surprised.

We started the night out at a wine shop where we had a bottle of champagne.  We then moved on to the Lucky Strike bowling alley and lounge where Libby, her friend Erica and I danced with the nerdiest man ever.  He was getting his groove on like no man I've ever seen wearing a tie and a pocket protector.  He had really big glasses on, too, that he kept having to push up his nose.  Libby asked if she could wear his tie, but he shot her down.  Everyone on the dance floor seemed to know this guy, so we determined he had to be the owner or something.

We then proceeded to Raglan Road where there was a band playing and we all ran in to some old friends.  Rick got to catch the end of the Illinois football team on tv there.  Eventually, Libby had all the 'fun' (and by fun I mean booze) she could handle in one night and we all headed home.  Below is photographic proof of how much fun Libby had: Warning. Tom looks like a scary vampire, this is not an accurate representation of his appearance.

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