Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 112

See how the guy is happy and asleep and
the lady looks pissed and cold?


I am so tired today.  Sleeping in the same bed as Rick is like a battle some times.  He always claims I steal the covers, but I'm pretty sure what really happens is he throws them all of in his nightly gymnastics routine and they just end up on my side of the bed.  Other times he wedges them between his legs, and then I'm only under the covers up to my waist.  When this happens it is literally impossible to pull the covers further up.  His legs are like a vice, so I just end up scooting really far down in bed, with my legs hanging off the end in order to be under the covers.

I'm pretty sure he was practicing rolling like a log last night... over and over and over.  He needs to learn to saw logs instead.  And then he practically punched me in the face jabbing his fist into the 4 inches between my chin and my shoulder.  Well, hello Rick's arm, so sorry I was sleeping in the spot you wanted.  The worst part is that I can't even be mad at him over it, because he's sound asleep through all of it and doesn't even know he's doing it.

Wondering how I can describe in such vivid detail all of Rick's sleeping movements? It's because I'm wide awake trying to stay warm and avoid being punched.

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