Friday, December 10, 2010

Day 119

Tonight Rick and I went out to dinner at this pizza place downtown a bunch of people have recommended... Rudy's.  The pizza was ok.  They had a bunch of gourmet pizzas, but we ended up just getting Hawaiian because none of the gourmet options looked that option.  I wasn't terribly impressed with the pizza, the crust was weird.

The crowd in the restaurant was interesting, though.  At first we thought it was a high school kids hangout because when we walked in there was a group of girls in a booth right by the cash register.  One girl was yelling at (presumably) her mom or dad on the phone and said something along the lines of, "How dare you call me while I'm eating dinner!" and then hung up the phone. haha

Then while we were waiting for our pizza some other young kids came in and sat at the table next to ours.  One girl was wearing tights as pants.  Tights. are. not. pants.  And then the other one got on the phone and started talking about how great the movie they had just seen was, but then her friend pointed out that they had missed the first 20 minutes. lol

After those kids left, a middle-ages couple came in and started talking about Elvis Impersonators.  The wife/girlfriend ate one piece of pizza and the guy picked at her crust and ate nothing.  When the woman was done, she said "let's get out of here I'm sick of this place".  mmmmkay.

This whole time there was a family with two youngish boys sitting behind us and the dad kept yelling at the boys.  "Keep your mouth closed while you chew." "Eat Faster" "Sit up straight".  Then he proceeded to basically, in my opinion, torture the poor kids.  First he asked them if they wanted to go to Three Spoons, a frozen yogurt place.  When they responded with excited YA'S!  He said, "Too bad we have stuff at home."  Well then why did you bring it up, meanie?  Then he proceeded to walk over to this fountain in the corner of the restaurant and point it out to his kids, talking about how cool it was.  When they ran over to check it out with him, he yelled at them to get back in their chairs.  WTF?  He was a jerk.

And that was our ever-so-eventful dinner.

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