Monday, December 6, 2010

Day 115

Oh Monday...

Since I have no finals this week I'm working all day and essentially getting paid to write a final paper and study.  It's a pretty sweet gig.

Until, about 1pm when the electricity went out.  I have no idea why this happened, someone suggested the construction across the street maybe hit a line, and then I heard that a transformer blew.  It wasn't stormy or anything, so it was odd.  The great (terrible) thing about our office is that it literally has 2 windows, so when the electricity goes out it is pitch black in the whole place.  That kind of  put a kink in my studying style, but it came on about an hour later.  I really had to go to the bathroom while the lights were out and I tried to use my phone as a flashlight, which worked well until I had to unbutton my pants and didn't have enough hands to do everything.  It was so dark in there I literally couldn't see my hand in front of my face.  It could have ended very badly.

On a completely unrelated note...
We are going to see the nutcracker!  We had already decided to go, but then Rick got a groupon for half off tickets today! Score!  Oddly, Libby and I did not get the same groupon mine was for Piano lessons today... weird.  Libby suggested that maybe it was because groupon now tries to taylor the deals to your interests, but this just makes it even weirder that Rick got it and we did not... or maybe he has a secret hobby I don't know about.  Imagine Rick in tights... lol.

Remember this SNL skit? Hilarious

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