Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day 139

Happy Birthday to my dad, today!

He and Rick went for a bike ride around Austin all day and I think they had a really good time.  Rick is a real trooper for getting up and doing that after being out all night and not feeling to well this morning.

I stayed home with the girls and we did some shopping on SoCo (South Congress).  The area is very trendy with lots of vintage shops and more food trucks.  We picked up some cupcakes from one for my dad's birthday and they were delicious.

For dinner we of course had BBQ, as we always do on my dad's birthday.  It was an interesting place, out in the middle of nowhere, that really whipped you in, fed you  and sent you on your way.  The food was great.  I had turkey and it was awesome.  Rick's ribs were pretty good, too.  After dinner we usually open presents, eat cake and the kids do a skit.  This year the skit didn't happen.  With the exception of two cousins, we are all in our twenties now and it seems a little silly, not to mention it's damn near impossible to organize.  So, we just did a little Q and A about what everyone is doing in their lives.

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