Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day 130

Last night was the lunar eclipse.  It was the first lunar eclipse to fall on the winter solstice in like 500 years or something, Rick said.  I told him someone probably thought that meant the world was going to end.

Rick was VERY excited for this event.  He started out as an astronomy major in college (before he realized he might actually want to get a job some day) so this is right up his alley.


Yes, that is Rick.  On our patio. With his telescope.
I told you he was excited about this.  While we were waiting for something to happen he showed me all the craters on the moon.  It was pretty cool.

Anyway, I tried to stay up as long as I could, but I only got to see a little sliver of the moon get covered up.  I tried to take a picture on my phone, but it just looked like a blurry light in the sky.  It never turned red either, so I was a little disappointed about that.  Probably stupid global warming ruined that.

Rick stayed up for almost the whole thing.  He was freezing when he finally came to bed and he tried to put his cold feet on mine.  Not cool.
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