Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day 109

Wow, is it really the end of November already?

Things are wrapping up at school.  This is my last week of classes and then I have two weeks of finals, except luckily for me, I only have one final and a paper to write.  I also just realized that this will be my last round of finals in law school because the classes I'm taking next semester are more hands-on and don't have finals.  Yay!

Rick is still working away.  He has another week of classes before his one final.  He'll actually be done before me, which is weird.  They're still debating on their Utah trip and trying to get logistics worked out.  I'm sure he will find out like a week before whether they're actually going or not... that's how things seem to work over at the engineering school.  It would really drive me nuts.

Our evenings this week are jam-packed... well I guess I should say mine b/c Rick is only going to a couple things.  Tonight is book club, tomorrow the homes tour with Libby, Thursday a law school end of year get together and Friday the legal aid Christmas party... whew.  My social schedule hasn't been this packed in years, I'm not sure I'll be able to handle it.

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