Saturday, December 11, 2010

Day 120

Rick is quite the beer connoisseur... shocker I know.  Anyway, last night I decided I wanted to try some stouts.  This is kind of a big deal because usually my beer selections are limited to Bud Light, Bud Select and the occasional wheat beer.  Rick likes to make me try is Hop-tastic beers just to see the funny face I make after tasting them.  I thought/think I might like stouts though, because lots of stouts have names that include the words: chocolate, coffee and oatmeal ... all things I thoroughly enjoy.

So, we go to Cork and Barrel and I make a six-pack with 6 different stouts to try.  Rick tells me on the way in that he thinks this experiment is going to fail terribly and I'm going to hate them all, but it's ok because he likes stouts and he'll finish them.  Well, last night I had a Sam Adams Cream Stout and it wasn't terrible.  I could definitely only drink one in a sitting, but I kind of liked it.  Rick told me, today, stouts have a lot of calories, so I probably won't be branching out from my usual light beer too often.

That's all I've tried so far.  Stout #2 tonight.

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