Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day 118

After working 8 hours a day for the past four days I'm pretty sure I've read everything on the internet.  Literally. Everything.

I'm all up to date on my current events.  I'm well-versed on wikileaks and the democrats stoppage of the tax bill.

I've check multiple sources to find out if Jessica Simpson is really pregnant.  Verdict?  No baby.

I've caught up on all of my friends blogs, and a few strangers. A rare event has occurred... my google reader is empty.

I know who's having a baby, who just got engaged and who changed their relationship status to single.

I've viewed christmas party pictures, christmas card pictures and christmas baby pictures.

I've researched all kinds of cookie, sweets, dinner and bread recipes.

I've caught up on The SingOff and Glee and discovered that you cannot watch episodes of Oprah on the internet.

I could tell you the highs and lows for the next 10 days and the likelihood that it will snow this weekend.

I've lusted over shoes, jewelry, coats and dresses and amazingly I've kept myself from buying anything.

It's been a long week and I hate to say it, but I'm almost excited to not work and just study next week.

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