Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 122

We've been married for 4 months today.  So, in honor of our 4 month anniversary, I will tell you 4 funny things about married life.

#1 Rick steals the covers just as much as I do, and apparently I snore... only a very dainty and feminine way.

#2 People ask you ALL the time, "So, how's married life?" And I never know how to answer that question b/c it's really just kind of like before married life, except now we live together.

#3 It's really fun when you go to a wedding and they do the dance to see which couple has been married the longest to get to participate.  Granted we got kicked off in the first 15 seconds of the song...have to start somewhere.

#4 Being married is great.  Yes, Rick drives me crazy sometimes, he leaves his clothes on the floor and forgets to shut the shower curtain.  But, at the end of the day I can always rely on him to be there when I have a problem, when I have something unpleasant to do, or just to smile and look excited when I walk in the door. 

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