Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day 121

We got our first little snow last night and I am already over winter.  It has been bitterly cold the past two days and windy as crap.  We drove home from a friend's house in KC late last night, and the wind and snow were miserable. I've never been so glad to get in to bed.

We holed up inside all day today. Rick has a final tomorrow and I have my, only, final on Thursday, so we've been doing a lot of studying.  (and a little Law and Order'ing)  Even though I only have one I will be very glad when it is over.  This is always a stressful time of year with finals and the holidays all barreling down at once.

This year I also have the Journal Symposium to worry about, because it is coming up quickly after winter break. We had several mini-crisis this weekend that didn't help my already high stress level. Thankfully, I think they've all been resolved for now.  No thanks to my co-editor who never does crap, but will gladly take all the credit... jerk.

And on top of all that, my brother had to go off the deep end again.  It just never ends with him.  It's incredibly frustrating watching him throw all his potential away and not being able to do anything about it.  It's like clockwork every six months or so he drags the whole family down with his crap.  And then it's endless phone calls, emails and text messages discussing the situation.  I'm so tired of it.

Well, that is enough whining for one day.  Tomorrow will be better.

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