Tuesday, December 7, 2010

day 116

Today at work I got invited to the "Women's Christmas Party".  Which is exactly what it sounds like, a Christmas party for only the women in the office.  I think this is really weird. Why do the women need their own Christmas party?  Do they share super-secret-women-only gossip?  The men in the office don't have a "men's only Christmas party", well, at least not to my knowledge. 

The email didn't make it sound like anything abnormal, just your regular old pot-luck, gift exchange Christmas party... so why not invite the men?  Maybe all the men in this office hate Christmas and wouldn't come anyway.  Actually, now that I think about it I wonder if this is some sort of sexual harassment or discrimination issue.  Either way it's totally odd.

I googled "women's christmas party" and this is what came up in the images:

I bet the office women's christmas party is about as exciting as the one in that picture... hence why I will not be in attendance.  Well, that and finals.

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