Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day 138

Today we drove out to Horseshoe Bay which is about an hour outside of Austin.  My grandma's niece and her husband live there, so we got to see them.  All the girl cousins and my grandma left early and hit up the spa.  It was awesome to just relax for a day.  Meanwhile back in Austin, Rick hung out with my dad and Aunt Nicki and they went to some food trucks for lunch.  He said the tacos were great.

When everyone arrived in Horseshoe Bay we had a little putt-putt competition on the course there... which is not really a putt-putt course at all but a course for real golfers to test their putting skills on.  Allegedly our group won (Rick, me, Ray and Charlie), but I"m pretty sure that was just because of Ray's creative accounting.  The real story is that my dad and Libby managed to sleep through the entire competition at the pool.  They had gone for a little walk before we started, found the pool and fallen asleep.  No one realized they were missing until half-way through the course when Ray couldn't spot the fifth members of the last two groups.  Everyone had just assumed they were in a different group, so they managed to get out of the whole thing.  Lucky.

When we got back to Austin one of Rick's friends, Warden, met up with us and we all went out to a bar called Friends.  There was a great live band and a lot of drinking and dancing going on.  Chris showed off his amazing dance skills and his pen throwing, Peter almost got arrested and Rick rode a pedi-cab from one side of the street to the other for free.

Good night.

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