Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 129

I think holiday office parties are incredibly awkward.  Maybe it's because I've always worked at places where most of the other employees are significantly older than me.  Maybe it's because I've never worked full time somewhere for more than a year.  For whatever reason, I do not enjoy them.  I think it's awkward to hang out with work people outside of work... You are old, you're not my friend, and I have to see you in a professional setting everyday.  It is highly unlikely that we are going to have fun together.

Probably the best/most awkward holiday party story I've ever heard is my sister's story from last year.  She works in an office with about 5 other people all over the age of 40 (approx.).  She knew it was going to be interesting when the day before the party everyone was discussing their designated driver, and who they were getting to come pick them up from the party.  The night of the party one guy came out to my sister and told her he was gay, which had never been mentioned before, or since.  Her boss got so drunk she lost her glasses on top of her head and then wandered out of the bar without telling anyone for a walk around the block.  I think someone else fell down at one point, and everyone just got good and hammered.

My mom, who was a teacher at my high school, got really sloshed at a teacher's christmas party one year.  She was so drunk one of my favorite teacher's had to drive her home and give me her keys so she wouldn't go anywhere.  She then proceeded to spend the rest of the night with the toilet and in bed.  I think she brought all the awkward to that party.

I could come up with a lot of other stories, but I think the point is made.  Holiday Office Parties = Awkward. Hence, why I always have an excuse prepared for why I can't make it.  Maybe some day I'll really like my co-workers and want to party with them.

I feel you, Pam.

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