Friday, December 31, 2010

Day 140

Happy New Year's Eve!

We are flying back to Wichita today and then heading up to Lawrence to meet up with friends for New Year's at a piano bar.  Our flight got really delayed and we didn't make it to Lawrence til about 9pm, so that was kind of a bummer, but we managed to make it out before midnight.  We were both exhausted and Rick wasn't feeling well, so we headed home shortly after the countdown.  It was so nice to be home and sleep in our own bed.  Our room at the hotel was right next to the elevator and the floor was marble, so it was really echo-y and loud.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day 139

Happy Birthday to my dad, today!

He and Rick went for a bike ride around Austin all day and I think they had a really good time.  Rick is a real trooper for getting up and doing that after being out all night and not feeling to well this morning.

I stayed home with the girls and we did some shopping on SoCo (South Congress).  The area is very trendy with lots of vintage shops and more food trucks.  We picked up some cupcakes from one for my dad's birthday and they were delicious.

For dinner we of course had BBQ, as we always do on my dad's birthday.  It was an interesting place, out in the middle of nowhere, that really whipped you in, fed you  and sent you on your way.  The food was great.  I had turkey and it was awesome.  Rick's ribs were pretty good, too.  After dinner we usually open presents, eat cake and the kids do a skit.  This year the skit didn't happen.  With the exception of two cousins, we are all in our twenties now and it seems a little silly, not to mention it's damn near impossible to organize.  So, we just did a little Q and A about what everyone is doing in their lives.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day 138

Today we drove out to Horseshoe Bay which is about an hour outside of Austin.  My grandma's niece and her husband live there, so we got to see them.  All the girl cousins and my grandma left early and hit up the spa.  It was awesome to just relax for a day.  Meanwhile back in Austin, Rick hung out with my dad and Aunt Nicki and they went to some food trucks for lunch.  He said the tacos were great.

When everyone arrived in Horseshoe Bay we had a little putt-putt competition on the course there... which is not really a putt-putt course at all but a course for real golfers to test their putting skills on.  Allegedly our group won (Rick, me, Ray and Charlie), but I"m pretty sure that was just because of Ray's creative accounting.  The real story is that my dad and Libby managed to sleep through the entire competition at the pool.  They had gone for a little walk before we started, found the pool and fallen asleep.  No one realized they were missing until half-way through the course when Ray couldn't spot the fifth members of the last two groups.  Everyone had just assumed they were in a different group, so they managed to get out of the whole thing.  Lucky.

When we got back to Austin one of Rick's friends, Warden, met up with us and we all went out to a bar called Friends.  There was a great live band and a lot of drinking and dancing going on.  Chris showed off his amazing dance skills and his pen throwing, Peter almost got arrested and Rick rode a pedi-cab from one side of the street to the other for free.

Good night.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day 137

Today we are spending our second day in Austin.  On our walk to the capitol yesterday Rick and I found a place that had $1 breakfast tacos.  We went for breakfast this morning and they were pretty tasty...and super cheap.  My cousins Erin and Mandy joined us and it was a nice relaxing time.

After breakfast we met up with some more of the family to check out the Austin Museum of Art.  There was some interesting pieces, but I'm not a big art person.  I just like what I like and that's the extent of my interest.  My grandma and I were sitting in a very quiet room waiting for everyone else to finish when she commented not so quietly that a man standing in front of us had tattoos on his arms, and how that must have hurt haha.  I suppose when you get to be that age you can say what you want.

Tonight we hit up a music joint called the Elephant Room with my dad to hear some live music.  My cousin Chris awkwardly asked our waitress "how many months along she was?" and when she looked confused he tried to play it like my sister had asked.  It was pretty hilarious, when she shot back, "Are you afraid to ask if I'm pregnant?"  We had to give him a little talk about how you NEVER ask a woman if she is pregnant.


Monday, December 27, 2010

day 136

Why are Asians so weird?

We toured the state capitol of Texas today and there were a million Asian people taking weird pictures. They kept doing these tough guy poses where they would stand with their arms crossed in front of something.

Rick was pondering what asians do with all the pictures they take on vacation. I told him they probably scrapbook them with hello kitty stickers.

Now people are laying on the floor into get pictures of the entire dome. Odd.
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Sunday, December 26, 2010

day 135

Made it to Austin today. Hanging out at a dive bar with photo booths.

Rick made a dollar on a bet with libby about the escslator.

Dad made Rick use a paper map.

Emailed out a pic of gma in her shower cap.
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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Friday, December 24, 2010

day 133

The Y in el dorado is having a special this week where you get in free with a friend. We went this morning with our friends katie and Charlie and tanner and cassie. Katie's mom is a trainer there and she really put us to work. My arms were like jelly afterwards! But we still decided it would be fun to play some 3 on 3 basketball. It was a pretty crazy game and my team ended up losing by one point after being ahead the whole game. Cassie got sidelined with an injury when tanned got a little rough and knocked her down. She skidded like 10 feet across the floor on her side haha. When she went to get a band aid she had to fill out an accident report. Lol. Then we played some knockout and a little boy who was probably 8 joined us. Rick and Charlie were rooting for him the whole time.
It was a really fun trip. Now were just hanging out waiting for libby and tom to show up.
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Thursday, December 23, 2010

day 132

Heading down to el do today for the obligatory Xmas visit. Should be a super, good time.

This Christmas should be interesting since my brother checked in to rehab for a 30 day stay this morning. So far, my dad looks exhausted, my grandma is trying not to cry and my mom is drinking herself into oblivion. Last night she finished off a whole bottle of wine on her own, and now it's 2pm and she's already opened another one.

I debated whether or not to post about this, but in the end decided that I wanted this to be an honest reflection of our first year of marriage and not a sugar-coated one through rose-colored glasses and all that jazz.
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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Day 131

A little back story about yesterday's post...

So, when I initially wrote yesterday's post I put that Rick was an astrology major, which he quickly notified me was incorrect.  Apparently, that was a totally offensive thing to do.  Who knew?  So, in an effort to avoid future offensiveness I looked up the definitions of both words.


the science that deals with the material universe beyond the earth's atmosphere.


the study that assumes and attempts to interpret theinfluence of the heavenly bodies on human affairs.
Obsolete the science of astronomy.

I would just like to point out that the word astronomy is in the definition of the astrology, so I couldn't have been that far off right?  When I pointed this out to Rick his response was, "Astrology is shit, astronomy is real."  Noted. I will never confuse the two again, dear.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day 130

Last night was the lunar eclipse.  It was the first lunar eclipse to fall on the winter solstice in like 500 years or something, Rick said.  I told him someone probably thought that meant the world was going to end.

Rick was VERY excited for this event.  He started out as an astronomy major in college (before he realized he might actually want to get a job some day) so this is right up his alley.


Yes, that is Rick.  On our patio. With his telescope.
I told you he was excited about this.  While we were waiting for something to happen he showed me all the craters on the moon.  It was pretty cool.

Anyway, I tried to stay up as long as I could, but I only got to see a little sliver of the moon get covered up.  I tried to take a picture on my phone, but it just looked like a blurry light in the sky.  It never turned red either, so I was a little disappointed about that.  Probably stupid global warming ruined that.

Rick stayed up for almost the whole thing.  He was freezing when he finally came to bed and he tried to put his cold feet on mine.  Not cool.
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Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 129

I think holiday office parties are incredibly awkward.  Maybe it's because I've always worked at places where most of the other employees are significantly older than me.  Maybe it's because I've never worked full time somewhere for more than a year.  For whatever reason, I do not enjoy them.  I think it's awkward to hang out with work people outside of work... You are old, you're not my friend, and I have to see you in a professional setting everyday.  It is highly unlikely that we are going to have fun together.

Probably the best/most awkward holiday party story I've ever heard is my sister's story from last year.  She works in an office with about 5 other people all over the age of 40 (approx.).  She knew it was going to be interesting when the day before the party everyone was discussing their designated driver, and who they were getting to come pick them up from the party.  The night of the party one guy came out to my sister and told her he was gay, which had never been mentioned before, or since.  Her boss got so drunk she lost her glasses on top of her head and then wandered out of the bar without telling anyone for a walk around the block.  I think someone else fell down at one point, and everyone just got good and hammered.

My mom, who was a teacher at my high school, got really sloshed at a teacher's christmas party one year.  She was so drunk one of my favorite teacher's had to drive her home and give me her keys so she wouldn't go anywhere.  She then proceeded to spend the rest of the night with the toilet and in bed.  I think she brought all the awkward to that party.

I could come up with a lot of other stories, but I think the point is made.  Holiday Office Parties = Awkward. Hence, why I always have an excuse prepared for why I can't make it.  Maybe some day I'll really like my co-workers and want to party with them.

I feel you, Pam.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day 128

Back when we lived in Champaign we used to frequent a diner called Merry Ann's.  It was known for this glorious creation called the Diner Stack.  A Diner Stack consists of a base of hash browns, on top of that are scrambled eggs with cheese and the whole things is drenched in sausage gravy.  It is delish! (did I mention that we pretty much only went here between the hours of 2a.m. and 6a.m.?).

Anyway, after The Nutcracker Friday night we hit the town,  but before going home we needed a snack.  So, Tom, Libby, Rick and I stopped into a diner down by power and light.  As we walked in the door Rick and I were reminiscing about Diner Stacks and hoping there would be a similar concoction on the menu.  There wasn't.  Somehow, Rick managed to convince the waiter to convince the cooks to make him a Diner Stack.  After describing in careful detail what he wanted, the waiter took the order to the kitchen with promises to make it happen.  Twenty minutes later Rick was presented with something pretty darn close to a diner stack.  (meanwhile Libby and I were presented with our crappy nachos, that the waiter swore were amazing.  At least he kept his promise to one of us, I guess.)

And that is the story of how Rick recreated the Diner Stack.  The only down side to this story is that the recreation cost $13 because the waiter charged him a la carte for everything and the original is $6.  lame.  Rick is usually really good at bartering, but he failed that night.


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Day 127

Since finals are over now I thought I'd share some gems from my family law class.  My professor had some pretty good quotes,  but these are the ones I remember.

1. "Half of everything your spouse owns belongs to you and vice versa.  I sure wish someone had told me this stuff when I was your age!"

2. "Accept it babe, she just doesn't want to be with you." My professor on how to solve half the world's relationship problems.

3. "If the world collapses your money might not be worth anything, but I hope you'd always at least be able to trade gold for food somewhere!  Hecker (another professor) says that land is best because 'they aren't making any more of it', but I'd still go with gold." During a discussion on division of assets at divorce.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Day 126

The Nutcracker was awesome!  I loved it, Rick fell asleep for a little bit.  His first comment was, "Wow, that guys butt is really out there." in reference to the male ballet dancer's tights.

We also saw this guy wearing skinny jeans and man uggs.  He was also wearing a something like a wrap sweater.  I'm pretty sure this guy had just left the set of an abercrombie commercial.  I tried to find a picture, but couldn't find anything similar to him.  Apparently Tom Brady is the new spokesperson for Man Uggs...he is a tool.

IMAG0208.jpg IMAG0210.jpg
Somehow Rick managed to wave his arm in the picture of Tom and libby and I didn't notice.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

day 125

Guess who just took their last law school final?
But you still have one more semester, how can you have taken your last final?
Because I am a super planner (true story) and managed to only take classes without finals in my last semester.  Go me!

I have returned to the land of the living, and I'm dressing like a normal person again.

After my final this morning, I wrapped up my cases at the clinic for the next two weeks, finished my Christmas  shopping (almost, a few more things to get), finished my final paper, and finally responded to all the emails about symposium that have been piling up in my inbox.  It's been a very successful afternoon.

Now I'm off to try my 3rd stout... a Coffee Stout.  I think I forgot to blog about my 2nd one, an oatmeal stout.  It was fairly uneventful, definitely did not taste like my delicious breakfast oatmeal, but it got better the more I drank.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

day 124

Rick does weird things too!
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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day 123

I am probably going to get killed for this but here we go anyway.

It's finals week, that most stressful time of year. I'm lucky, I had one final on Monday and a "paper" to turn in by Friday, not bad at all. Jessie is a little more stressed since her final is more important and isn't until Thursday. This had lead to a lot of her sitting at the table in the kitchen, wrapped in a blanket studying.

The other day I came home and found Jessie wearing the BEST OUTFIT EVER. The picture doesn't do it justice. It was red wooly socks, red shorts, a green psi u shirt of mine and her Orange illini sweatshirt. It was awesome.

If I'm killed its been fun.
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Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 122

We've been married for 4 months today.  So, in honor of our 4 month anniversary, I will tell you 4 funny things about married life.

#1 Rick steals the covers just as much as I do, and apparently I snore... only a very dainty and feminine way.

#2 People ask you ALL the time, "So, how's married life?" And I never know how to answer that question b/c it's really just kind of like before married life, except now we live together.

#3 It's really fun when you go to a wedding and they do the dance to see which couple has been married the longest to get to participate.  Granted we got kicked off in the first 15 seconds of the song...have to start somewhere.

#4 Being married is great.  Yes, Rick drives me crazy sometimes, he leaves his clothes on the floor and forgets to shut the shower curtain.  But, at the end of the day I can always rely on him to be there when I have a problem, when I have something unpleasant to do, or just to smile and look excited when I walk in the door. 

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day 121

We got our first little snow last night and I am already over winter.  It has been bitterly cold the past two days and windy as crap.  We drove home from a friend's house in KC late last night, and the wind and snow were miserable. I've never been so glad to get in to bed.

We holed up inside all day today. Rick has a final tomorrow and I have my, only, final on Thursday, so we've been doing a lot of studying.  (and a little Law and Order'ing)  Even though I only have one I will be very glad when it is over.  This is always a stressful time of year with finals and the holidays all barreling down at once.

This year I also have the Journal Symposium to worry about, because it is coming up quickly after winter break. We had several mini-crisis this weekend that didn't help my already high stress level. Thankfully, I think they've all been resolved for now.  No thanks to my co-editor who never does crap, but will gladly take all the credit... jerk.

And on top of all that, my brother had to go off the deep end again.  It just never ends with him.  It's incredibly frustrating watching him throw all his potential away and not being able to do anything about it.  It's like clockwork every six months or so he drags the whole family down with his crap.  And then it's endless phone calls, emails and text messages discussing the situation.  I'm so tired of it.

Well, that is enough whining for one day.  Tomorrow will be better.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Day 120

Rick is quite the beer connoisseur... shocker I know.  Anyway, last night I decided I wanted to try some stouts.  This is kind of a big deal because usually my beer selections are limited to Bud Light, Bud Select and the occasional wheat beer.  Rick likes to make me try is Hop-tastic beers just to see the funny face I make after tasting them.  I thought/think I might like stouts though, because lots of stouts have names that include the words: chocolate, coffee and oatmeal ... all things I thoroughly enjoy.

So, we go to Cork and Barrel and I make a six-pack with 6 different stouts to try.  Rick tells me on the way in that he thinks this experiment is going to fail terribly and I'm going to hate them all, but it's ok because he likes stouts and he'll finish them.  Well, last night I had a Sam Adams Cream Stout and it wasn't terrible.  I could definitely only drink one in a sitting, but I kind of liked it.  Rick told me, today, stouts have a lot of calories, so I probably won't be branching out from my usual light beer too often.

That's all I've tried so far.  Stout #2 tonight.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Day 119

Tonight Rick and I went out to dinner at this pizza place downtown a bunch of people have recommended... Rudy's.  The pizza was ok.  They had a bunch of gourmet pizzas, but we ended up just getting Hawaiian because none of the gourmet options looked that option.  I wasn't terribly impressed with the pizza, the crust was weird.

The crowd in the restaurant was interesting, though.  At first we thought it was a high school kids hangout because when we walked in there was a group of girls in a booth right by the cash register.  One girl was yelling at (presumably) her mom or dad on the phone and said something along the lines of, "How dare you call me while I'm eating dinner!" and then hung up the phone. haha

Then while we were waiting for our pizza some other young kids came in and sat at the table next to ours.  One girl was wearing tights as pants.  Tights. are. not. pants.  And then the other one got on the phone and started talking about how great the movie they had just seen was, but then her friend pointed out that they had missed the first 20 minutes. lol

After those kids left, a middle-ages couple came in and started talking about Elvis Impersonators.  The wife/girlfriend ate one piece of pizza and the guy picked at her crust and ate nothing.  When the woman was done, she said "let's get out of here I'm sick of this place".  mmmmkay.

This whole time there was a family with two youngish boys sitting behind us and the dad kept yelling at the boys.  "Keep your mouth closed while you chew." "Eat Faster" "Sit up straight".  Then he proceeded to basically, in my opinion, torture the poor kids.  First he asked them if they wanted to go to Three Spoons, a frozen yogurt place.  When they responded with excited YA'S!  He said, "Too bad we have stuff at home."  Well then why did you bring it up, meanie?  Then he proceeded to walk over to this fountain in the corner of the restaurant and point it out to his kids, talking about how cool it was.  When they ran over to check it out with him, he yelled at them to get back in their chairs.  WTF?  He was a jerk.

And that was our ever-so-eventful dinner.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day 118

After working 8 hours a day for the past four days I'm pretty sure I've read everything on the internet.  Literally. Everything.

I'm all up to date on my current events.  I'm well-versed on wikileaks and the democrats stoppage of the tax bill.

I've check multiple sources to find out if Jessica Simpson is really pregnant.  Verdict?  No baby.

I've caught up on all of my friends blogs, and a few strangers. A rare event has occurred... my google reader is empty.

I know who's having a baby, who just got engaged and who changed their relationship status to single.

I've viewed christmas party pictures, christmas card pictures and christmas baby pictures.

I've researched all kinds of cookie, sweets, dinner and bread recipes.

I've caught up on The SingOff and Glee and discovered that you cannot watch episodes of Oprah on the internet.

I could tell you the highs and lows for the next 10 days and the likelihood that it will snow this weekend.

I've lusted over shoes, jewelry, coats and dresses and amazingly I've kept myself from buying anything.

It's been a long week and I hate to say it, but I'm almost excited to not work and just study next week.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day 117

Wednesday Random Thoughts

- Rick and I have been trying to nail down our New Year's Eve plans this week.  I think New Year's Eve is one of those holidays with a lot of build-up that is never as cool/romantic/exciting/crazy as you want it to be.  Once you're a grown-up you can stay up til midnight any night you want and New Year's loses a lot of it's appeal.

- Rick has been having weird dizzy spells after lunch.  I tried to identify his disease using the internet, but he didn't buy into any of my diagnoses.

- I home-made sweet and sour sauce last night and it was really easy!  But I think there was too much vinegar in it and it gave me "bitter beer face" and made my tongue hurt.

- I love pumpkin beer, but the kind I had the other day was super foamy and then it bubbled down and looked like there was a marshmallow in it.
It did this all on it's own, I didn't even touch it.
- This week I'm working in the back office by the bathrooms because the other law clerk is here, too.  I've noticed that one of the attorneys goes in to the bathroom for less than a minute (I timed it) every time he goes to the bathroom.  He is definitely not washing his hands.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

day 116

Today at work I got invited to the "Women's Christmas Party".  Which is exactly what it sounds like, a Christmas party for only the women in the office.  I think this is really weird. Why do the women need their own Christmas party?  Do they share super-secret-women-only gossip?  The men in the office don't have a "men's only Christmas party", well, at least not to my knowledge. 

The email didn't make it sound like anything abnormal, just your regular old pot-luck, gift exchange Christmas party... so why not invite the men?  Maybe all the men in this office hate Christmas and wouldn't come anyway.  Actually, now that I think about it I wonder if this is some sort of sexual harassment or discrimination issue.  Either way it's totally odd.

I googled "women's christmas party" and this is what came up in the images:

I bet the office women's christmas party is about as exciting as the one in that picture... hence why I will not be in attendance.  Well, that and finals.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Day 115

Oh Monday...

Since I have no finals this week I'm working all day and essentially getting paid to write a final paper and study.  It's a pretty sweet gig.

Until, about 1pm when the electricity went out.  I have no idea why this happened, someone suggested the construction across the street maybe hit a line, and then I heard that a transformer blew.  It wasn't stormy or anything, so it was odd.  The great (terrible) thing about our office is that it literally has 2 windows, so when the electricity goes out it is pitch black in the whole place.  That kind of  put a kink in my studying style, but it came on about an hour later.  I really had to go to the bathroom while the lights were out and I tried to use my phone as a flashlight, which worked well until I had to unbutton my pants and didn't have enough hands to do everything.  It was so dark in there I literally couldn't see my hand in front of my face.  It could have ended very badly.

On a completely unrelated note...
We are going to see the nutcracker!  We had already decided to go, but then Rick got a groupon for half off tickets today! Score!  Oddly, Libby and I did not get the same groupon mine was for Piano lessons today... weird.  Libby suggested that maybe it was because groupon now tries to taylor the deals to your interests, but this just makes it even weirder that Rick got it and we did not... or maybe he has a secret hobby I don't know about.  Imagine Rick in tights... lol.

Remember this SNL skit? Hilarious

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day 114

Sunday Randomness

Last night was the Big 12 championship.  Thank god Oklahoma beat stupid Nebraska before they left us for the Big 10!  Rick pretended to cheer for Oklahoma, but then when the game was over he told me he thought it would have been pretty funny if Nebraska won the Big 12 championship their last year in.  I don't know why he's so smug about Nebraska joining the Big 10, that just means there will be one more team in that conference to beat Illinois.  oooh, slam!  On a side note I'm pretty sure the Oklahoma band played Boomer Sooner about 50 times in the first half.  I was going to keep a count of how many times they played it in the second half, but they apparently came to their senses and stopped playing it so much.

I have this book that is a collection of grocery lists the author found.  He then pokes fun at the lists' authors for their spelling, drawings, and odd combinations of food.  If I had made a grocery list for my trip to the store last night I'm pretty sure I could have made it in the book:
Bacon.  Butterscotch Pudding. Refried Beans. Iced Oatmeal Cookies.

On the topic of grocery shopping... Rick and I usually try to make one big trip to the grocery store for the weeks supply of food every Sunday.  I'm pretty sure the people at Hyvee think he only has one outfit, because he wears the same thing.  Every week.  Without fail.  Navy Illinois sweatshirt, Black addidas pants, brown house shoes.  They also must think he's color blind, or can't match his clothes.  Today he added his stocking hat because it was 30 degrees out, but he didn't want to wear a coat, so maybe they didn't realize it was him. haha

Classes are over for me as of Friday, and I'm already lacking motivation.  I have almost two whole weeks to study for one final and write one 'reflection paper'.  Every semester I tell myself I have plenty of time to study and then the night before the final I freak out because I feel like I don't know anything, even though I've been studying for days.  Hopefully, I can talk some sense into myself this year and prevent this freak out.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Day 113

Earlier this week Libby's new lover Tom invited Rick and I to come over to KC tonight to celebrate Libby's promotion.  It was a surprise and she didn't know we were coming.  It turned out great and I think she was very surprised.

We started the night out at a wine shop where we had a bottle of champagne.  We then moved on to the Lucky Strike bowling alley and lounge where Libby, her friend Erica and I danced with the nerdiest man ever.  He was getting his groove on like no man I've ever seen wearing a tie and a pocket protector.  He had really big glasses on, too, that he kept having to push up his nose.  Libby asked if she could wear his tie, but he shot her down.  Everyone on the dance floor seemed to know this guy, so we determined he had to be the owner or something.

We then proceeded to Raglan Road where there was a band playing and we all ran in to some old friends.  Rick got to catch the end of the Illinois football team on tv there.  Eventually, Libby had all the 'fun' (and by fun I mean booze) she could handle in one night and we all headed home.  Below is photographic proof of how much fun Libby had: Warning. Tom looks like a scary vampire, this is not an accurate representation of his appearance.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 112

See how the guy is happy and asleep and
the lady looks pissed and cold?


I am so tired today.  Sleeping in the same bed as Rick is like a battle some times.  He always claims I steal the covers, but I'm pretty sure what really happens is he throws them all of in his nightly gymnastics routine and they just end up on my side of the bed.  Other times he wedges them between his legs, and then I'm only under the covers up to my waist.  When this happens it is literally impossible to pull the covers further up.  His legs are like a vice, so I just end up scooting really far down in bed, with my legs hanging off the end in order to be under the covers.

I'm pretty sure he was practicing rolling like a log last night... over and over and over.  He needs to learn to saw logs instead.  And then he practically punched me in the face jabbing his fist into the 4 inches between my chin and my shoulder.  Well, hello Rick's arm, so sorry I was sleeping in the spot you wanted.  The worst part is that I can't even be mad at him over it, because he's sound asleep through all of it and doesn't even know he's doing it.

Wondering how I can describe in such vivid detail all of Rick's sleeping movements? It's because I'm wide awake trying to stay warm and avoid being punched.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day 111

Tonight Rick and I went to dinner at 23rd street with some of my friends from law school.  It quickly turned into a watch party of the KU/UCLA game.  It was quite a nail biter and KU only won because they were playing at home... it was kind of crap.  But, it's good for Kstate because this means KU will likely drop in the rankings...yay!

I was thinking about my grandma a lot during the game because she always watches the KU games, even if she has to stay up really late.  And when they get too stressful she turns off the sound on the tv because it makes her nervous.  She's so funny and she really loves the Jayhawks.  She had James Naismith as a gym teacher when she was in college.  Crazy.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day 110

Happy December!

This afternoon Libby and I went on the holiday homes tour in Mission Hills, KC (aka the super, awesome, rich neighborhood).  There were four houses on the tour all decorated for Christmas, and just really well decorated in general.

This was actually the last house we went to.  It's hard to tell from this picture, but as we were walking up Libby and I decided it looked spooky like a haunted house.  Ok, so I just tried to find a picture on google street view that showed it's creepiness, but screen shots are beyond my level of expertise.  Anyway, the point of telling you it looked creepy and old, is that when we went inside they told us it was only 13 years old and the owner specifically built it to look like a Georgian home.  They also told us that symmetry is important in that style of home, so the owners put in fake doors.  weird.  I think that would confuse me all the time.  I like the idea of building a new house that looks old, though.  Best of both worlds.

This was the 3rd house we went to and it was my favorite.  It looked really fancy on the outside and had these ugly giant columns in the yard that you can't see, but the inside was very cozy and down to earth.  They had 3 kids and all the kids had really cute, fun bedrooms.  They also had a lot of really cute family pictures around, which I think was the only house like this.  It was a huge house.  We saw 6 bedrooms and we didn't even go in the basement.  They also had this awesome play room/theater on the 3rd floor, which isn't what I was expecting at all when I went up there.

This was the 1st house we went to, it was right off the plaza.  Just one man lives here and he had a lot of really weird modern art.  This house also had a secret passage way from the pantry to the master bedroom, but we didn't get to go in it...lame.  This house also had a built in fryer and steamer in the kitchen, and the biggest wine opener I've ever seen, it was almost 2 feet tall!  Oh, and this house had an old coke vending machine in one of the bathrooms... you know, in case you get thirsty while you're doing your business.

I really liked the outside of this house, but the inside was like a classy version of hoarders.  The tour lady called the owners "eclectic collectors".  I think they were just pack rats with money.  They had a giant cat they got from a carousel on their stairway... odd.  They also had an entire crucifix collection/shrine, and generally a lot of really knick-knacky things set out on every horizontal surface.  When we were leaving Libby said she could see a bunch of stuff piled up in their garage haha