Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 48

You know that commercial for the mattress where the girl bounces on one part and the glass of wine on the other side doesn't tip over?  We need a mattress like that.  Actually I'm not sure a mattress like that would help us. Rick is what I would call and 'active sleeper'.  (Yes, I made that term up)

Most people roll over and it's one gentle, smooth movement.  When Rick rolls over there is bouncing, head slamming, knee jerking, hand flailing and more.  And by some miracle he manages to stay asleep through it all... I'm not so lucky.  If I'm not being jostled awake then I'm being awoken by a hand in my face or a knee in my back, or pillow stealing.  I'm not even kidding, he yanked the pillow out from under my head once.  I always ask him how he slept expecting to hear that he had a crazy dream that he was on American Gladiators or something, but he always just says he slept great.

Rick has also been known to talk in his sleep.  Sometime he recites math equations, assuring me that "he's got it all figured out".  Other times he falls asleep while I'm still talking to him, and continues to respond to what I'm saying, except the answers become totally random and nonsensical.  Then I wake him up to tell him the funny things he said and he doesn't remember any of it.  I have a few other funny sleep-talking stories, but I can't tell them b/c Rick would kill me.

Well, I just googled 'active sleeper' to try to find a picture and this is what came up:


creepy 70's man

Dog food


Queen Elizabeth (I wonder if she is an active sleeper, too?)

Sleeping Baby (I guess this sort of makes sense)

Interesting.  Well, that was entertaining.  I take no responsibility for my ramblings in this post because my 'active sleeper' husband kept me up all night.
Love you.

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