Saturday, September 11, 2010

Day 29

Rick was not pleased that I said he was 'in dire need of a man friend'.  I told him if he didn't like what I wrote, maybe he should start writing some posts.  His response was, "I'm giving you a month, and then I'm going to start writing". 
Hmm... We'll see about that.

We are in Wichita today going to yet, another wedding.  I'm over weddings.  After you've been to like 100 they're all the same.  Rick and I like to play this game before weddings where we make bets on all the standard wedding things:
- what will the colors be?
- will the bride cry? what about the groom?
- what will be their first dance song?
- will the groom shove cake in the bride's face?
- will there be a bouquet and garter toss?

We usually bet drinks on it, whoever loses has to 'buy' the other a drink.  Which, because most wedding have free booze, entails being the one who has to get up and stand in line at the bar.

I suppose I'd rather be going to weddings than baby showers, or children's birthday parties.  At least there's food, booze and cake at weddings... all my favorites.

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