Saturday, September 4, 2010

Day 22

Today we are hanging out in Alhambra, IL at Rick's parents.  Libby is coming along for the weekend and this will be her first time at Rick's parents house.  Carly and  Chris will also be in town.  I love going to visit his parents, I got very lucky to have such fun in-laws.  Weekends in Alhambra are always a blast.  Our weekend will likely involve some of the following:

- a heated game of bags (Pat is super competitive and she likes to talk a lot of smack)
- making pizza or other good food
- playing fetch with Rusty (this usually involves a tennis racket)
- swimming in the 'lake' (they call it a lake, I call it a pond, b/c I think lakes should be huge)
- chasing the chickens
- drinking beer and playing games

And just generally having a lot of fun.  It should be a really good Labor Day weekend!

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