Friday, October 1, 2010

Day 49

Friday Favorites!

Today I will tell you all about our favorite things to do:

- cook dinner together: and sometimes baking, but I mostly do the baking

- play games: we play all sorts of games: SkipBo, Gin, Golf (the card game), Settlers of Catan (nerdiest game  ever, don't ask), Catch Phrase, and on and on

- Trying out beer and wine: Making our own 6 packs, going to wineries and breweries to taste new things

- Bike riding: ok this one is mostly Rick's but I will join in on the rides that feed you along the way like Tour de Donut and the upcoming Tour de BBQ

- Trying new restaurants: and old favorites, pretty much anything that involves eating is a favorite past time

- Reading: I like to read before bed every night, Rick likes to read too, but lately, his bedtime routine involves playing on his phone more than reading

- Travel: I love to travel, but unfortunately we don't get to do as much as I'd like, but I'm sure when we're both gainfully employed next year, we will increase our travels

- Crafting: I love designing and making things, and really enjoyed making pretty much everything for our wedding.  This is not one of Rick's favorites, although, we did discover that he is much better at gluing things on straight than me.

- Watching Football: Definitely high on Rick's favorite list, not so high on mine.  I only like college football and within college football I only really like to watch KState, KU and the Illini because I feel like I have a connection to those teams.  Rick could watch any game, any time, pro or college.  I usually try to humor him.

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