Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 46

Tour Tuesday!
Today you get to see our lovely living room.  This is by far the room we spend the most time in, so it's hard to find a time to take pictures when it's totally picked up, so you're getting the 'lived in' look.
 This is the view from the kitchen.  I'm pretty pumped that I now get to watch all of my tv shows on Rick's giant tv.  It's awesome.  Also, it's difficult to see in this picture, but there is a lego airplane on our mantel that Rick insists be displayed.  We built it 'together' a few years ago... and by 'together' I mean Rick built it and he let me find the pieces he needed.
 Here's our new bookcase that my mom picked out for us at this store where the owner/sales lady is a total witch.  I'm pretty sure she hates anyone under the age of 40.
 Our new chair, also purchased from aforementioned mean lady, with a gift card from my mom.  We also got the cool New Belgium Brewery poster for our wedding.  Rick's best man, Dave, lives close to the brewery and we toured it with him and his girlfriend Amber when we went to visit them two years ago.
This is the view from the opposite end of the room... sneak peek of the kitchen!  That's my desk, that I pretty much never sit at (see above photo with my laptop on the coffee table) and use as a home for my purse, casebook, and random bills/paperwork.

Well that's our living room.  I realized when I uploaded these pictures that I have still not mastered my phone camera/photography because they are pretty grainy and I left the lamps on when I was pointing the camera directly at them... duh... that didn't work out too well.  I promise we don't have weird sunflare things in the corners of our living room, they're just lamps.

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