Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 36

Happy 24th Birthday to Libby!!

Today we joined Libby and 25 of her friends on a birthday party bus to the Kstate game that was being played at Arrowhead in KC.  It was really fun on the way there, we had the music going, drinking some mimosas and beer, cheering on the Wildcats with everyone we passed. 

So the day goes on... more beer drinking, more cheering and the game ends with a KState win at about 1:30!!!

Rick and I are dead at this point.  We both have headaches, I got sunburned and after getting up at 6am we both just want a nap.  Unfortunately, for us, we still have to ride the party bus back to Libby's house.  Everyone else on the bus is a few years younger than us, and they have all apparently retained their ability to drink like college kids.  The music is SO LOUD (I realize I sound like an old lady saying this, but it was loud), there was dancing, people drunkenly stumbling all over, shots straight out of the parrot bay get the idea. 

We finally reach Libby's house and everyone piles out of the bus.  As Rick and I are planning to head home for a nap, a group of Libby's friends with the drinking prowess of 20 year olds decides to head out to the bars. 

Moral of the Story: We are too old for morning drinking!

Even after a nap and a massive dose of advil I felt terrible.

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