Tuesday, September 14, 2010

day 32

Yesterday was our one month anniversary.

Today was supposed to be Ricks first day of blogging.

Not to worry, I'll be back tomorrow with more witty commentary on our lives.

And now a message from Rick:

Today was a prime examples of Jessies navigation skills in action as well as our, sometimes, unfortunate luck. we decided, last minute, that a trip to Red Robin (YUM!) was in order to use Jessies bday certificate for a free burger. I hate driving town to olathe since I always hit every red light so I decided to get Jessie to find us an alternate location. After running into traffic, me missing a few turns and the Android directions taking us on a questionable route we ended up at our destination when, much to our chagrin, we noticed there was a large sign informing us that they were closed due to recent fire damage. LAME.com

This is when (in my humble opinion) the story gets good. An already frustrated Jessie then punches in the olathe location and were away, a few short turns later and we've arrived at our new "destination", in the middle of a residential street, no burgers in sight... Now Jessie is a wonderful navigator, better than that Annie jerk, but she sometimes struggles with technology ;) This particular time it wasn't her fault and the maps app was generally very confused.

Luckily for both of our stomachs, I'm an excellent navigator and I managed to get to the real location shortly after and we could fill out stomachs with poor service and large burgers, Red Robin (blech...)

All in all a great evening demonstrating our relationship at its finest.

(Told you I'd start blogging today, like it or not)

PS. you have pretty eyes. :)


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