Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 42

I know a lot of teachers, many of my friends are teachers, my mom is a teacher, my grandmas and a couple aunts were all teachers at various points.  So, I feel like I know a  little bit about teaching, and I recently just had this observation.*

Why do teachers have "special helpers"?  Think way back to 2nd grade, did your teacher have a "special helper" that was basically just an alphabetical rotation of students each week?  And when you were the "special helper" you had to be the teacher's biotch for a week and do all the random jobs that she/he didn't want to do her/himself? And kids just eat it up, like "Yes, Puh-lease Miss Jessie let me be your special helper, I really want to do all your mundane, tedious jobs! Pick me! I'd be honored!"

When I was in first grade, there was a boy, we'll call him Nick, in my class who sort of struggled.  So, my teacher always made Nick have his desk right next to hers, away from the other rows of desks.  Then she started letting Nick pick someone to be his "helper".  Nick's "helper" would have to put their desk by his and help him stay on task and do his work.  Well guess who got picked to be Nick's "helper" every. single. week?  Me.  Why couldn't my teacher have made a rule about picking the same person over and over?  It was mortifying for my first grade self.  Obviously it was a scarring experience b/c I still remember it to this day.  

And along the same lines... What is with brides having a "bridal attendant"?  For those who aren't hip to all the marriage lingo and trends, a "bridal attendant" is supposed to just sit around and answer your every beck and call on the day of your wedding.  First off, this is such a HUGE diss.  It's like, "Sorry, you weren't important enough to  make the bridesmaid list, but I'd love for you to be my slave all day!"  And second of all, isn't that what your bridesmaids are supposed to me doing?  Hence, the name bridesMAID?  I don't get it.  If anyone every asks me to be their "bridal attendant" I will tell them what's what.  Be warned.

*The opinions stated herein are purely my own and do not reflect any actual, certifiable teaching practice.  I'm sure picking 'special helpers' is a recommended classroom management practice and is very effective.

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