Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 38

Today is Rick's 26th birthday. 

Last year for his 25th birthday I got him Bruce Springsteen tickets, because The Boss is his favorite.  He was so pumped about it, we skipped our afternoon classes the day of the concert, ate dinner really early and got in line at like 4pm so we could be in the front row.  And when they did the drawing to see which number would start, we really were in the front row.  But then, it happened... the announcement came that a family member had died and the concert was canceled.  It turned out to be a cousin or something, and we were both pretty upset that we didn't get to go to the concert.

For his 24th birthday we were living in separate states.  He came all the way out to Kansas to spend the weekend with me.  I was just starting my first year of law school then, and was stressed to the max, so he was nice enough to make the drive here, so I didn't have to spend 14 hours driving that I could have spent studying.  It was a pretty low-key birthday, we bought a grill and bbq'd.  I got Rick some posters from the New Belgium Brewery.  I think he had just discovered Skinny Dip at that point and he was obsessed.  I think that may have also been the weekend that we drove around to every liquor store in Lawrence trying to find Skinny Dip so he could take it back to Champaign with him, because they didn't sell it there.  I remember being really sad when he had to leave that weekend.  It was the beginning of a very long year apart.  But, we made it through and I'm so glad we did.

For his 23rd birthday Rick and I went to dinner at a Mexican restaurant in Champaign called Dos Reales.  We had just met a few weeks before and this was one of our first dates.  Rick claims he asked me out on his birthday because he knew I wouldn't say no on his birthday.  I told him I wouldn't have said no to Mexican no matter what day it was.  I can't quite remember what else we did that night, but it must have gone well, because here we are three years later celebrating another birthday.

So, here's to you Rick.  I hope you have a wonderful day.  I love you very much and can't wait to celebrate your birthday for the next 90 years (I realize this might be overly optimistic, but we have good genes).


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