Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 45

Day 45....  Feels like an eternity (according to Jessie)  HA!

Tonight we're going to KC to watch the Bears play on Monday Night Football.  Jessie isn't much of an NFL fan but we're working on that and of course the team she'll eventually be rooting for is the Bears (with a side interest in the Rams).

Surprisingly, neither of us is feeling that motivated for a blog today, that's very odd since the weather just turned gorgeous outside.  Nice weather usually puts everybody in a good mood.

Fall is by FAR my favorite month, cool weather (but not cold), apples, Thanksgiving.  How could anybody not like fall.  One of my favorite pictures of Jessie is from the Fall, we went pumpkin picking then carved awesome Jack O' Lanterns.  It's a good one.  I would add it here but I'm failing to accomplish that...

Well that's all for tonight, we're off shortly to hang out with Chris and Laura (and hopefully to teach Jessie how awesome Bears football is).

1 comment:

  1. Correction.....the VIKINGS are the best football team. :)

    Jessie, don't listen to Rick. :) haha

    Love ya both,
