Thursday, September 2, 2010

Day 20

Part of my job is to do the 'courthouse run' everyday.  This involves taking various things that need to be filed with the clerk of the court, or dropped off in the judges chambers to the courthouse.  The courthouse is an interesting place, there are always weirdos there, milling around waiting for their court appearances.  I once had to walk through a group of 5 sobbing, middle-aged women to get in the door... weirdos.

Today, as I pulled into the parking lot I noticed a suspicious looking man walking right down the middle of the road and sort of angrily pacing about.  As I got out of my car, I noticed him approach a scantily clad woman in a car and start gesturing wildly at her, but like I said this is pretty much par for the course at the courthouse, so I just continued on my merry way.

As I was leaving, I heard a man yell "Excuse me! Excuse me, ma'm!"   I turned around thinking I'd dropped something and saw three police men sprinting towards me.  I quickly realized that they were not chasing after me, and just wanted me to get the heck out of the way, so they could get on to whatever excitement was going on in the parking lot.

I stepped aside and continued on to my car, as the two younger officers sprinted past, and a few minutes later the oldest officer passed me at a brisk wog (walk/jog).  He was probably pushing 70, so it was impressive that he was moving that quickly at all.  When I reached the parking lot, guess who the officers were surrounding?  That's right, Mr. Suspicious and Ms. Scantily Clad from earlier.  As soon as the police showed up, Mr. Suspicious stopped his wild gesturing and hopped into the getaway car, but his 1980 Buick just wasn't up to the task.  An officer quickly stopped him, by stepping in his path while Mr. Suspicious was trying to navigate that boat out of a parking space.  Luckily, the officer stopped Mr. Suspicious' car right behind mine, so I was able to stay and watch the whole fiasco (serious sarcasm here, I just wanted to get on with my day). 

Meanwhile, Ms. Scantily clad is sitting on the curb crying (what is it with people crying at the courthouse?) with her massive cleavage and plumber's crack revealed to the world.  The officer's were quick to rush to her aid.

Now, I wish I had a really exciting ending to this story, like it ended in a shoot-out, or an OJ Simpson-esque car chase, but (after I put my car in reverse and started slowly, inching toward Mr. Suspicious' car) a kind officer rescued this damsel in distress and got the boat out of my way.  I was tempted to circle the block, so I could witness the fate of Suspicious and Scantily, but I decided going to the bank was a better use of my time. 

Never one to see the glass as half-empty... I decided that at least I could be thankful it wasn't me crying at the courthouse while Rick drove away in our Buick with police officers chasing him down.

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