Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 41

Today we got some new update on our phones that according to Rick makes them "Awesome!".  I can't really tell a difference, though.  I'm sure he'll be mad at me for saying that haha

Anyway, in trying to discern a difference in my phone I decided to look through my User Dictionary.  My phone basically keeps a dictionary of all the words I use that are not 'normal'.  Apparently, I use some pretty interesting words, b/c I was cracking up looking through them.

They fall into three categories:
1. swear words/not nice words
2. exclamations/onomatopoeia words
3. nonsense words
(4. there's also a fourth category of people's names, but that's not funny so I'm skipping it)

So, for your viewing pleasure, here is a sampling of words from my dictionary:

1. Slang Words
      - Hooker AND Hookers (sometimes there is more than one)
      - biotch
      - hoosiers (st. louis' term for rednecks)
      - Hottie AND hotttt
      - loverboy
      - margaritas AND margs (can you see where my priorities are?)
      - partay
      - peasy (as in easy peasy)
      - piddly
      - pooooop (I'm so mature)
      - tard (as in rah-tard)
      - wtf (and the whole gamut of swear words...oops)
      - whiney (why is this not already in the dictionary? this is a legit word)

2. Exclamations/Onomatopoeia Words
      - muahahaha
      - duh
      - ew
      - hubba (as in hubba hubba)
      - lalala
      - oooooh
      - rah
      - tsk
      - waaaaahhhhh (crying through text message)
      - yum

3. Nonsense Words
      - jaliacos (I actually know what word I was going for here, but it's still funny)
      - mybattery/mybook/oldone (I forget the space a lot)
      - stabber
      - tobed
      - youvsoon

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