Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 40

Well if this blog was my Lenten (sp?) resolution today would have been my last day.  But, it is more of a 'new year' resolution, so I have 325 days left.  Wow.

Whenever I send Rick to the grocery store he comes home with 'treats' (the man is obsessed with treats)
I usually send him for something little, like milk, or a forgotten ingredient, but he always comes back with interesting additions to the list, like: chinese food, movies, pretzel m&m's, etc.
Anyway, the other day he asked me if I wanted anything and I requested Oreos.  So Rick comes home with the Oreos and we open them up and start snacking.  About this time our friends arrive to hang out and I go answer the door.  When I come back in the kitchen, Rick is putting all of the Oreos in a Ziploc bag.  What are you doing? I ask him.  And he proceeds to explain to me that Oreo has created this "stupid packaging" that you can't re-close.  He's really upset about this packaging situation and the fact that his cookies are going to go stale. 
This is what the Oreo 'packaging' looked like:
See how that flap folds back on the top?  Well it's sticky on the edges, so once you retrieved your cookies you just press it back down and seal up the treats.  Rick, in his hurry to get to the cookies, ripped that flap completely off, thinking that was what you were supposed to do.  Wrong.  So, now we keep our Oreos in a ziploc bag. 
Our friends and I had a really good laugh at poor Rick.  Now he'll know for next time, I guess.

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