Thursday, September 9, 2010

day 27

Tonight is the first NFL football game of the season. Can you tell that Rick is excited?

Every time I take a picture of something Rick now asks, "is this for the blog?" It's really ruining the candidness (not sure that's a word, my phone doesn't think so) of my blog b/c all of my pics are now staged by Rick. In case you didn't already guess that this picture was staged... now you know.

Now Rick is talking football to me.  LOL  He just told me that the Vikings have no secondary offense, or something like that.  huh?  And I now know all about the Reggie Bush/USC scandal.  He's in dire need of a man friend.  DIRE.

Here's something I care about... why do you have to date a Kardashian to win an athletic championship? 
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1 comment:

  1. Rick: No more posing in pics!! I want candid shots! :) Today is the day you start writing, correct?! Get on it.

    "You're stupid" - Rick. hahahahahaha
