Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 26

This post is random. You've been warned.

Rick's mom sent me the nicest email for my birthday yesterday.

26 years ago the world was enriched by the birth of a kind, smart beautiful woman who I am proud to know as a daughter-in-law.
Hope your day was special. 
Love ya - Pat

This morning as I was rushing out the door to court, I noticed something odd... Rick was still sitting at the kitchen table "perusing the interwebs"  as he likes to say.  This is weird, because Rick almost always leaves the house in the morning before me.  I asked him what the dealio was and he said he was just going to stay home for awhile to work on his homework and that he had to be at school by 10 to turn it in.

2 hours later (10:30) I pull into the driveway, to run in and change out of my suit before class.  Guess who's truck is still there?  Guess who is sitting on the couch playing video game football?  rrrrick.  That little sneak took the morning off to play video games.

I was jealous.  He also got half his classes canceled this week and all of them canceled next week!  Some people have all the luck.

Overheard at work, today: "In the old days, when people had a conscience..."  LOL

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