Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 34

so this blogging everyday stuff is hard, not sure how J-Dog did it everyday...

So Jessie and I think we're good cooks. We enjoy the food we make but most/all of the time we're just following recipes we get off the internet or from a cookbook. Today was different, we threw a bunch of stuff together and ended up with a pretty fantastic stir-fried-rice dish. Guess that means we're finally growing up. Haha, no.

I've hardly got to chop anything with our new knives and that makes me sad. This weekend I'm going to the grocery store and intentionally buying foods that require chopping, dicing and cutting so I can have some fun. Good times.

Well there's Ricks random thoughts for the night, I'll be here all week, come back and see us soon.

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