Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 24

Today is Labor Day, so Rick and I both have the day off of school and work!

We decided to use our extra time to get a few things done around the house... thank you notes, cleaning, grocery shopping, playing football on the xbox (That was all Rick).
On our trip to the grocery store we were in search of a fly swatter.  We went to Hyvee AND Wal-Mart to find one and still came home empty handed.  Who knew finding a fly swatter was so hard.... geez.

We're also going to make one of our favorite meals for dinner... pizza!!!  We have a few different varieties that we like to make:
- spinach, red pepper and chicken
- Al Fresco (a mayo, garlic and parmesan mixture) topped with tomatoes and of course more cheese
- Hawaiian
- and good old sausage and pepperoni

I've also been checking out our new bread maker.  We've decided to make sourdough for the first batch, which requires you to make a starter, so I have to let that set for 5 days before I can actually make bread.  It's actually a lot more complicated than I thought it would be to make bread. I thought it would just require throwing a few things in and shutting the lid... not even close to that simple.

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