Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 47

Poor Rick.
He is SO sick.  Before I left for school this morning he said he was feeling achy and I figured he was just trying to avoid studying because he has a big test coming up.  When I got home from school this afternoon he was asleep and slept until almost 5:30.  I knew he probably wasn't faking it then, b/c Rick regularly operates (much to my disdain) on 6 or 7 hours of sleep and rarely naps.

Then at 9:00 he was falling asleep on the couch, so I made him go to bed.  In between sleeping I could tell he was miserable and absolutely burning up.  His hand felt like it was on fire! He was wearing a hoodie and sweats all night and even used a blanket, which is totally out of character for him.

I felt so bad, that there wasn't anything I could do to make him feel better.  I'm really hoping he's recovered tomorrow.  Being sick is no fun.

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