Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day 30

This story is a little belated, but it was too funny not to share...

Last weekend we went to St. Louis to a baseball game with all of Rick's family.  Rick's cousin Matt's girlfriend has a daughter, Dakota, who is 7 and they were all at the game with us.  Rick has a pretty big family with lots of cousins, but Dakota is always the youngest person there, by like 10 years, so she never has anyone to play with.

So, when we were at the game, Rick asked Dakota is she wanted to go down to the dugout and ask the players for a baseball.  (Don't start with the 'awws' quite yet, his motives were not pure)  See, Rick figured that if he, a grown man, went down there the players would never give him a ball, but if he brought a cute little 7 year old with him, they would definitely give her one, and then he could talk her into letting him have it.  (slightly flawed reasoning b/c kids never give up their toys). 

So, Rick and Dakota are walking over to the dug out, having some quality time, when Dakota asks, "Are you going to have kids?"  (hahaha I'm sure Rick was blind-sided by that one.)
And he responds with something like, "Uh ya, some day, but not for awhile". 
And then Dakota says, "Well you should get one." 

Get one!  hahahaha Like you can just go down to the corner store and pick one up.  Poor kid, she really needs some cousins, but unfortunately we're not going to help her out any time soon.

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