Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 48

You know that commercial for the mattress where the girl bounces on one part and the glass of wine on the other side doesn't tip over?  We need a mattress like that.  Actually I'm not sure a mattress like that would help us. Rick is what I would call and 'active sleeper'.  (Yes, I made that term up)

Most people roll over and it's one gentle, smooth movement.  When Rick rolls over there is bouncing, head slamming, knee jerking, hand flailing and more.  And by some miracle he manages to stay asleep through it all... I'm not so lucky.  If I'm not being jostled awake then I'm being awoken by a hand in my face or a knee in my back, or pillow stealing.  I'm not even kidding, he yanked the pillow out from under my head once.  I always ask him how he slept expecting to hear that he had a crazy dream that he was on American Gladiators or something, but he always just says he slept great.

Rick has also been known to talk in his sleep.  Sometime he recites math equations, assuring me that "he's got it all figured out".  Other times he falls asleep while I'm still talking to him, and continues to respond to what I'm saying, except the answers become totally random and nonsensical.  Then I wake him up to tell him the funny things he said and he doesn't remember any of it.  I have a few other funny sleep-talking stories, but I can't tell them b/c Rick would kill me.

Well, I just googled 'active sleeper' to try to find a picture and this is what came up:


creepy 70's man

Dog food


Queen Elizabeth (I wonder if she is an active sleeper, too?)

Sleeping Baby (I guess this sort of makes sense)

Interesting.  Well, that was entertaining.  I take no responsibility for my ramblings in this post because my 'active sleeper' husband kept me up all night.
Love you.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 47

Poor Rick.
He is SO sick.  Before I left for school this morning he said he was feeling achy and I figured he was just trying to avoid studying because he has a big test coming up.  When I got home from school this afternoon he was asleep and slept until almost 5:30.  I knew he probably wasn't faking it then, b/c Rick regularly operates (much to my disdain) on 6 or 7 hours of sleep and rarely naps.

Then at 9:00 he was falling asleep on the couch, so I made him go to bed.  In between sleeping I could tell he was miserable and absolutely burning up.  His hand felt like it was on fire! He was wearing a hoodie and sweats all night and even used a blanket, which is totally out of character for him.

I felt so bad, that there wasn't anything I could do to make him feel better.  I'm really hoping he's recovered tomorrow.  Being sick is no fun.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 46

Tour Tuesday!
Today you get to see our lovely living room.  This is by far the room we spend the most time in, so it's hard to find a time to take pictures when it's totally picked up, so you're getting the 'lived in' look.
 This is the view from the kitchen.  I'm pretty pumped that I now get to watch all of my tv shows on Rick's giant tv.  It's awesome.  Also, it's difficult to see in this picture, but there is a lego airplane on our mantel that Rick insists be displayed.  We built it 'together' a few years ago... and by 'together' I mean Rick built it and he let me find the pieces he needed.
 Here's our new bookcase that my mom picked out for us at this store where the owner/sales lady is a total witch.  I'm pretty sure she hates anyone under the age of 40.
 Our new chair, also purchased from aforementioned mean lady, with a gift card from my mom.  We also got the cool New Belgium Brewery poster for our wedding.  Rick's best man, Dave, lives close to the brewery and we toured it with him and his girlfriend Amber when we went to visit them two years ago.
This is the view from the opposite end of the room... sneak peek of the kitchen!  That's my desk, that I pretty much never sit at (see above photo with my laptop on the coffee table) and use as a home for my purse, casebook, and random bills/paperwork.

Well that's our living room.  I realized when I uploaded these pictures that I have still not mastered my phone camera/photography because they are pretty grainy and I left the lamps on when I was pointing the camera directly at them... duh... that didn't work out too well.  I promise we don't have weird sunflare things in the corners of our living room, they're just lamps.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 45

Day 45....  Feels like an eternity (according to Jessie)  HA!

Tonight we're going to KC to watch the Bears play on Monday Night Football.  Jessie isn't much of an NFL fan but we're working on that and of course the team she'll eventually be rooting for is the Bears (with a side interest in the Rams).

Surprisingly, neither of us is feeling that motivated for a blog today, that's very odd since the weather just turned gorgeous outside.  Nice weather usually puts everybody in a good mood.

Fall is by FAR my favorite month, cool weather (but not cold), apples, Thanksgiving.  How could anybody not like fall.  One of my favorite pictures of Jessie is from the Fall, we went pumpkin picking then carved awesome Jack O' Lanterns.  It's a good one.  I would add it here but I'm failing to accomplish that...

Well that's all for tonight, we're off shortly to hang out with Chris and Laura (and hopefully to teach Jessie how awesome Bears football is).

Sunday, September 26, 2010

day 44

Today Rick and I are making chili. Our chili recipe is from Rick's dad. I always laugh when I read through Rick's family recipes because they are very specific about the types and brands of ingredients. For instance, this recipe calls for Franco American Spaghetti, which I had never heard of until this recipe and is pretty difficult to find at the grocery store. We usually improvise with whatever rand of item is available or cheap, and it seems to turn out all right.
Rick told me today that his parents came up with this recipe "when they were poor" (at first I thought he said 'when they were 4' which would have been really impressive) and that is why everything in the recipe is canned. Either way, this is a pretty awesome chili recipe. I put some tomatoes in it this time bc we had some homegrown ones in the freezer from Rick's mom. Rick wasn't too happy about that and threatened to call his dad if my tomato addition ruined the chili haha. I've already snuck a few bites and I think it tastes great.
I also included a picture of our new crockpot bc I/Rick raved about it last week.
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Saturday, September 25, 2010

day 43

today was family day at tristans's fraternity. We drank some beer, ate some bbq and watched a lot of football.
We also got to meet Libby's new 'boyfriend' tom. He was very nice and fun. I suppose he can stay...for now :)
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Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 42

I know a lot of teachers, many of my friends are teachers, my mom is a teacher, my grandmas and a couple aunts were all teachers at various points.  So, I feel like I know a  little bit about teaching, and I recently just had this observation.*

Why do teachers have "special helpers"?  Think way back to 2nd grade, did your teacher have a "special helper" that was basically just an alphabetical rotation of students each week?  And when you were the "special helper" you had to be the teacher's biotch for a week and do all the random jobs that she/he didn't want to do her/himself? And kids just eat it up, like "Yes, Puh-lease Miss Jessie let me be your special helper, I really want to do all your mundane, tedious jobs! Pick me! I'd be honored!"

When I was in first grade, there was a boy, we'll call him Nick, in my class who sort of struggled.  So, my teacher always made Nick have his desk right next to hers, away from the other rows of desks.  Then she started letting Nick pick someone to be his "helper".  Nick's "helper" would have to put their desk by his and help him stay on task and do his work.  Well guess who got picked to be Nick's "helper" every. single. week?  Me.  Why couldn't my teacher have made a rule about picking the same person over and over?  It was mortifying for my first grade self.  Obviously it was a scarring experience b/c I still remember it to this day.  

And along the same lines... What is with brides having a "bridal attendant"?  For those who aren't hip to all the marriage lingo and trends, a "bridal attendant" is supposed to just sit around and answer your every beck and call on the day of your wedding.  First off, this is such a HUGE diss.  It's like, "Sorry, you weren't important enough to  make the bridesmaid list, but I'd love for you to be my slave all day!"  And second of all, isn't that what your bridesmaids are supposed to me doing?  Hence, the name bridesMAID?  I don't get it.  If anyone every asks me to be their "bridal attendant" I will tell them what's what.  Be warned.

*The opinions stated herein are purely my own and do not reflect any actual, certifiable teaching practice.  I'm sure picking 'special helpers' is a recommended classroom management practice and is very effective.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 41

Today we got some new update on our phones that according to Rick makes them "Awesome!".  I can't really tell a difference, though.  I'm sure he'll be mad at me for saying that haha

Anyway, in trying to discern a difference in my phone I decided to look through my User Dictionary.  My phone basically keeps a dictionary of all the words I use that are not 'normal'.  Apparently, I use some pretty interesting words, b/c I was cracking up looking through them.

They fall into three categories:
1. swear words/not nice words
2. exclamations/onomatopoeia words
3. nonsense words
(4. there's also a fourth category of people's names, but that's not funny so I'm skipping it)

So, for your viewing pleasure, here is a sampling of words from my dictionary:

1. Slang Words
      - Hooker AND Hookers (sometimes there is more than one)
      - biotch
      - hoosiers (st. louis' term for rednecks)
      - Hottie AND hotttt
      - loverboy
      - margaritas AND margs (can you see where my priorities are?)
      - partay
      - peasy (as in easy peasy)
      - piddly
      - pooooop (I'm so mature)
      - tard (as in rah-tard)
      - wtf (and the whole gamut of swear words...oops)
      - whiney (why is this not already in the dictionary? this is a legit word)

2. Exclamations/Onomatopoeia Words
      - muahahaha
      - duh
      - ew
      - hubba (as in hubba hubba)
      - lalala
      - oooooh
      - rah
      - tsk
      - waaaaahhhhh (crying through text message)
      - yum

3. Nonsense Words
      - jaliacos (I actually know what word I was going for here, but it's still funny)
      - mybattery/mybook/oldone (I forget the space a lot)
      - stabber
      - tobed
      - youvsoon

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 40

Well if this blog was my Lenten (sp?) resolution today would have been my last day.  But, it is more of a 'new year' resolution, so I have 325 days left.  Wow.

Whenever I send Rick to the grocery store he comes home with 'treats' (the man is obsessed with treats)
I usually send him for something little, like milk, or a forgotten ingredient, but he always comes back with interesting additions to the list, like: chinese food, movies, pretzel m&m's, etc.
Anyway, the other day he asked me if I wanted anything and I requested Oreos.  So Rick comes home with the Oreos and we open them up and start snacking.  About this time our friends arrive to hang out and I go answer the door.  When I come back in the kitchen, Rick is putting all of the Oreos in a Ziploc bag.  What are you doing? I ask him.  And he proceeds to explain to me that Oreo has created this "stupid packaging" that you can't re-close.  He's really upset about this packaging situation and the fact that his cookies are going to go stale. 
This is what the Oreo 'packaging' looked like:
See how that flap folds back on the top?  Well it's sticky on the edges, so once you retrieved your cookies you just press it back down and seal up the treats.  Rick, in his hurry to get to the cookies, ripped that flap completely off, thinking that was what you were supposed to do.  Wrong.  So, now we keep our Oreos in a ziploc bag. 
Our friends and I had a really good laugh at poor Rick.  Now he'll know for next time, I guess.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 39

Tuesday Tour!
One of things I wanted to document on this blog was where we lived our first year of marriage, so we could look back on it think, “Man we lived in that dump?”  Just kidding, our place is really nice, actually.

So, first up we have… The Bathroom!

You may be wondering why I’m starting with the bathroom and the answer is simple… it’s the cleanest, most presentable room in our house right now. Haha Weird, right? 

Well here goes:


Our bathroom is pretty small, but it works for just the two of us.  I’d love to have more storage, double sinks and a walk in shower, but for two students I’d say we’re doing pretty good.

Next up: The kitchen (or whichever room happens to be most presentable next week)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 38

Today is Rick's 26th birthday. 

Last year for his 25th birthday I got him Bruce Springsteen tickets, because The Boss is his favorite.  He was so pumped about it, we skipped our afternoon classes the day of the concert, ate dinner really early and got in line at like 4pm so we could be in the front row.  And when they did the drawing to see which number would start, we really were in the front row.  But then, it happened... the announcement came that a family member had died and the concert was canceled.  It turned out to be a cousin or something, and we were both pretty upset that we didn't get to go to the concert.

For his 24th birthday we were living in separate states.  He came all the way out to Kansas to spend the weekend with me.  I was just starting my first year of law school then, and was stressed to the max, so he was nice enough to make the drive here, so I didn't have to spend 14 hours driving that I could have spent studying.  It was a pretty low-key birthday, we bought a grill and bbq'd.  I got Rick some posters from the New Belgium Brewery.  I think he had just discovered Skinny Dip at that point and he was obsessed.  I think that may have also been the weekend that we drove around to every liquor store in Lawrence trying to find Skinny Dip so he could take it back to Champaign with him, because they didn't sell it there.  I remember being really sad when he had to leave that weekend.  It was the beginning of a very long year apart.  But, we made it through and I'm so glad we did.

For his 23rd birthday Rick and I went to dinner at a Mexican restaurant in Champaign called Dos Reales.  We had just met a few weeks before and this was one of our first dates.  Rick claims he asked me out on his birthday because he knew I wouldn't say no on his birthday.  I told him I wouldn't have said no to Mexican no matter what day it was.  I can't quite remember what else we did that night, but it must have gone well, because here we are three years later celebrating another birthday.

So, here's to you Rick.  I hope you have a wonderful day.  I love you very much and can't wait to celebrate your birthday for the next 90 years (I realize this might be overly optimistic, but we have good genes).


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 37

I woke up this morning still feeling terrible. My hangover had evolved into an awful sinus infection.

Luckily Rick has taken amazing care of me all day. And he made me my favorite tortillas soup. Yum!

this was our first time to use our new crockpot that we got for the wedding and I've never seen Rick so excited about a kitchen appliance. The lid holder, the locking lid, the spoon rest! it's pretty much the beat crockpot ever, according to Rick and me.
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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 36

Happy 24th Birthday to Libby!!

Today we joined Libby and 25 of her friends on a birthday party bus to the Kstate game that was being played at Arrowhead in KC.  It was really fun on the way there, we had the music going, drinking some mimosas and beer, cheering on the Wildcats with everyone we passed. 

So the day goes on... more beer drinking, more cheering and the game ends with a KState win at about 1:30!!!

Rick and I are dead at this point.  We both have headaches, I got sunburned and after getting up at 6am we both just want a nap.  Unfortunately, for us, we still have to ride the party bus back to Libby's house.  Everyone else on the bus is a few years younger than us, and they have all apparently retained their ability to drink like college kids.  The music is SO LOUD (I realize I sound like an old lady saying this, but it was loud), there was dancing, people drunkenly stumbling all over, shots straight out of the parrot bay get the idea. 

We finally reach Libby's house and everyone piles out of the bus.  As Rick and I are planning to head home for a nap, a group of Libby's friends with the drinking prowess of 20 year olds decides to head out to the bars. 

Moral of the Story: We are too old for morning drinking!

Even after a nap and a massive dose of advil I felt terrible.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 35

Friday Favorites!
Favorite places to eat:

Cafe Beautiful - this is where we got engaged and the little Japanese man who runs it is hilarious

23rd street - I used to live across the street from here and we were regulars. In fact we're headed there tonight.

Freestate - has the most amazing onion rings and Rick is obsessed with their beer. The only bad thing is there is Always a really ling wait.

La Familia, Tortas Jaliscos, Sielito Lindos, La Parilla - all excellent Mexican restaurants

I wish we still lives in Champaign though bc they had the. Best. Restaurants. This list would be like 10 pages long if we still lived there. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

We're going back in October for homecoming and I'm already planning all the places we have to go eat. If only I could convince Rick we should move back there. I really loved living in champaign.

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 34

so this blogging everyday stuff is hard, not sure how J-Dog did it everyday...

So Jessie and I think we're good cooks. We enjoy the food we make but most/all of the time we're just following recipes we get off the internet or from a cookbook. Today was different, we threw a bunch of stuff together and ended up with a pretty fantastic stir-fried-rice dish. Guess that means we're finally growing up. Haha, no.

I've hardly got to chop anything with our new knives and that makes me sad. This weekend I'm going to the grocery store and intentionally buying foods that require chopping, dicing and cutting so I can have some fun. Good times.

Well there's Ricks random thoughts for the night, I'll be here all week, come back and see us soon.

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 33

I've stumbled upon a concoction of Willy Wonka proportions...


Diet Coke
Watemelon Jolly Rancher

At lunch today I took a bite of applesauce and washed it down with diet coke... my mouth now tastes like Watermelon Jolly Rancher.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

day 32

Yesterday was our one month anniversary.

Today was supposed to be Ricks first day of blogging.

Not to worry, I'll be back tomorrow with more witty commentary on our lives.

And now a message from Rick:

Today was a prime examples of Jessies navigation skills in action as well as our, sometimes, unfortunate luck. we decided, last minute, that a trip to Red Robin (YUM!) was in order to use Jessies bday certificate for a free burger. I hate driving town to olathe since I always hit every red light so I decided to get Jessie to find us an alternate location. After running into traffic, me missing a few turns and the Android directions taking us on a questionable route we ended up at our destination when, much to our chagrin, we noticed there was a large sign informing us that they were closed due to recent fire damage.

This is when (in my humble opinion) the story gets good. An already frustrated Jessie then punches in the olathe location and were away, a few short turns later and we've arrived at our new "destination", in the middle of a residential street, no burgers in sight... Now Jessie is a wonderful navigator, better than that Annie jerk, but she sometimes struggles with technology ;) This particular time it wasn't her fault and the maps app was generally very confused.

Luckily for both of our stomachs, I'm an excellent navigator and I managed to get to the real location shortly after and we could fill out stomachs with poor service and large burgers, Red Robin (blech...)

All in all a great evening demonstrating our relationship at its finest.

(Told you I'd start blogging today, like it or not)

PS. you have pretty eyes. :)


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Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 31

When Rick and I were doing the whole 'long distance thing' two years ago, we did a lot of emailing throughout the day.  I use to send him links to this website called  The website features a different puppy each day and you get to read a blurb about the puppy, and see some really cute puppy pictures.  Well, obviously Rick could just go look at this website on his own, no big deal, so I would add in captions for each picture of what the puppies were saying/thinking, so it was like I was there in person begging him to let us get a puppy haha
 Well, two years later and still no puppy, but I still love looking at that website.  Rick thinks I'm torturing myself with it.  Someday we will have a puppy.  And we shall name him Tugboat.

Here's a little sample:

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day 30

This story is a little belated, but it was too funny not to share...

Last weekend we went to St. Louis to a baseball game with all of Rick's family.  Rick's cousin Matt's girlfriend has a daughter, Dakota, who is 7 and they were all at the game with us.  Rick has a pretty big family with lots of cousins, but Dakota is always the youngest person there, by like 10 years, so she never has anyone to play with.

So, when we were at the game, Rick asked Dakota is she wanted to go down to the dugout and ask the players for a baseball.  (Don't start with the 'awws' quite yet, his motives were not pure)  See, Rick figured that if he, a grown man, went down there the players would never give him a ball, but if he brought a cute little 7 year old with him, they would definitely give her one, and then he could talk her into letting him have it.  (slightly flawed reasoning b/c kids never give up their toys). 

So, Rick and Dakota are walking over to the dug out, having some quality time, when Dakota asks, "Are you going to have kids?"  (hahaha I'm sure Rick was blind-sided by that one.)
And he responds with something like, "Uh ya, some day, but not for awhile". 
And then Dakota says, "Well you should get one." 

Get one!  hahahaha Like you can just go down to the corner store and pick one up.  Poor kid, she really needs some cousins, but unfortunately we're not going to help her out any time soon.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Day 29

Rick was not pleased that I said he was 'in dire need of a man friend'.  I told him if he didn't like what I wrote, maybe he should start writing some posts.  His response was, "I'm giving you a month, and then I'm going to start writing". 
Hmm... We'll see about that.

We are in Wichita today going to yet, another wedding.  I'm over weddings.  After you've been to like 100 they're all the same.  Rick and I like to play this game before weddings where we make bets on all the standard wedding things:
- what will the colors be?
- will the bride cry? what about the groom?
- what will be their first dance song?
- will the groom shove cake in the bride's face?
- will there be a bouquet and garter toss?

We usually bet drinks on it, whoever loses has to 'buy' the other a drink.  Which, because most wedding have free booze, entails being the one who has to get up and stand in line at the bar.

I suppose I'd rather be going to weddings than baby showers, or children's birthday parties.  At least there's food, booze and cake at weddings... all my favorites.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Day 28

Friday Favorites!
I'm going to start posting all of our favorite things on Fridays.  Awhile back, I did a post on our favorite tv shows, and today I'm going to do all of our favorite foods to cook.

Coalminer's Spaghetti

Fish Tacos

chili!!!  (can't wait for it to be cold enough for this again)

This post is making me really hungry, and there are still hours until lunch, so I'm going to stop.
In an effort at full disclosure, I have to admit that these are not pictures of things we've actually cooked... I know you thought they were, right?  I swear, though, I picked ones that look as similar as possible to our dishes :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

day 27

Tonight is the first NFL football game of the season. Can you tell that Rick is excited?

Every time I take a picture of something Rick now asks, "is this for the blog?" It's really ruining the candidness (not sure that's a word, my phone doesn't think so) of my blog b/c all of my pics are now staged by Rick. In case you didn't already guess that this picture was staged... now you know.

Now Rick is talking football to me.  LOL  He just told me that the Vikings have no secondary offense, or something like that.  huh?  And I now know all about the Reggie Bush/USC scandal.  He's in dire need of a man friend.  DIRE.

Here's something I care about... why do you have to date a Kardashian to win an athletic championship? 
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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 26

This post is random. You've been warned.

Rick's mom sent me the nicest email for my birthday yesterday.

26 years ago the world was enriched by the birth of a kind, smart beautiful woman who I am proud to know as a daughter-in-law.
Hope your day was special. 
Love ya - Pat

This morning as I was rushing out the door to court, I noticed something odd... Rick was still sitting at the kitchen table "perusing the interwebs"  as he likes to say.  This is weird, because Rick almost always leaves the house in the morning before me.  I asked him what the dealio was and he said he was just going to stay home for awhile to work on his homework and that he had to be at school by 10 to turn it in.

2 hours later (10:30) I pull into the driveway, to run in and change out of my suit before class.  Guess who's truck is still there?  Guess who is sitting on the couch playing video game football?  rrrrick.  That little sneak took the morning off to play video games.

I was jealous.  He also got half his classes canceled this week and all of them canceled next week!  Some people have all the luck.

Overheard at work, today: "In the old days, when people had a conscience..."  LOL

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

day 25

Today is my 26th birthday! I'm officially an old married lady. At least Rick will be joining me in old age in 12 short days.

Rick made me a delicious dinner of Apple-glazed pork chops, mushroom risotto and asparagus. It was absolutely amazing. He is a very good cook.

We topped off our delicious dinner with some dairy queen...Yum.

Rick also got us a couples massage class. He said he wad going to just get the massage, but then he thought, "give a man a fish and he eats for a day, but teach a man to fish and he eats forever." haha so he went with the class instead. Awesome!

I have 12 days to come up with something really good for him!
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Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 24

Today is Labor Day, so Rick and I both have the day off of school and work!

We decided to use our extra time to get a few things done around the house... thank you notes, cleaning, grocery shopping, playing football on the xbox (That was all Rick).
On our trip to the grocery store we were in search of a fly swatter.  We went to Hyvee AND Wal-Mart to find one and still came home empty handed.  Who knew finding a fly swatter was so hard.... geez.

We're also going to make one of our favorite meals for dinner... pizza!!!  We have a few different varieties that we like to make:
- spinach, red pepper and chicken
- Al Fresco (a mayo, garlic and parmesan mixture) topped with tomatoes and of course more cheese
- Hawaiian
- and good old sausage and pepperoni

I've also been checking out our new bread maker.  We've decided to make sourdough for the first batch, which requires you to make a starter, so I have to let that set for 5 days before I can actually make bread.  It's actually a lot more complicated than I thought it would be to make bread. I thought it would just require throwing a few things in and shutting the lid... not even close to that simple.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Day 23

Weekend Highlights:

Libby entertained herself by taking pictures in the car.
We spotted some awesome artwork in the bathroom of a North County bar.

Libby and Pat rode horses, while Rick and I watched the Illini game... sad loss... but Kstate won!

Libby taught Rusty to imitate her winky face (see above).

Rick took us for a ride on the lake, Libby captured a corn dog, we got stuck on the shore, and Rick's dad actually believed Libby's cat tail was a corn dog.

Rick confirmed his suspicion that McDonald's chicken nuggets are in fact the world's worst food.

Now it's time for BBQ and Board Games with Karen and Luke!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Day 22

Today we are hanging out in Alhambra, IL at Rick's parents.  Libby is coming along for the weekend and this will be her first time at Rick's parents house.  Carly and  Chris will also be in town.  I love going to visit his parents, I got very lucky to have such fun in-laws.  Weekends in Alhambra are always a blast.  Our weekend will likely involve some of the following:

- a heated game of bags (Pat is super competitive and she likes to talk a lot of smack)
- making pizza or other good food
- playing fetch with Rusty (this usually involves a tennis racket)
- swimming in the 'lake' (they call it a lake, I call it a pond, b/c I think lakes should be huge)
- chasing the chickens
- drinking beer and playing games

And just generally having a lot of fun.  It should be a really good Labor Day weekend!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Day 21

Rick's parents are throwing a little housewarming/get together for us in St. Louis this weekend.  Today we're headed to a Gateway Grizzlies baseball game where we will perhaps be eating one of these:
That is a cheeseburger on a bun made of two Krispy Kreme donuts.  This has been dubbed 'Baseball's Best Burger'... more like heart attack in 5 bites!  I have my eye on these:
Those are 'Baseball's Second Best Nachos'.  I can't say no to nachos, or any kind of mexican for that matter.
Hopefully, I'll be alive and blogging tomorrow and not recovering from a heart attack at the hospital.