Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 199

Rick is a member of the Lawrence Cycling Club.  Last summer a group from the club was out riding on a road outside of Lawrence when a guy ran one of them off the road.  Charges were filed against the guy, and Rick has been closely following the case.  My friend Karen works in the Douglas County DA's office and has been doing some work on the case.  Obviously, she can't really discuss too much of what she's working on, but she did let us know that the case was going to trial and the trial would start today.   She also got to do a lot of the trial prep work and sit at the counsel table during the trial.

So, Rick went down first thing this afternoon to watch the trial.  He's super in to it and has his own theory of the case haha.  I met him down there later on and watched a few of the witnesses.  After hearing the details of the incident 3 times in a row I was ready to roll out, but Rick wanted to stay until the very end.  When we got home, he had me looked up the possible fines and jail time for him.  I always think it's a good experience to watch a trial, and this one has been particularly interesting because Rick knows so much about it.

Tomorrow the prosecution will continue calling witnesses, and Rick is planning to head down first thing.  He's really cracking me up with how interested he is in this.

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