Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 181

I didn't want to blog about this too soon and jinx our luck, and I still feel like it might be a little premature, but Rick seems confident so I'm doing it anyway.

Rick interviewed at Garmin (after weeks of talking/interviewing with the HR lady).  He's in the running for three positions and feels pretty confident about two of them.  They called him the morning after his interview and said they were very interested in him for two positions: systems engineer and flight control engineer.  For the systems position they asked him to write a pretend letter to a customer about a problem they were having with some parts... this will be like his second interview.  He has to turn it in early next week and then we'll see what happens.

Keep your fingers crossed for us!  It would be such a relief for one of us to have a job nailed down.

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