Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 196

Tonight Rick and I watched Winter's Bone.  Big downer.  It was kind of a weird mix between True Grit and The Fighter with the hunt for the man who killed her father, and the crazy extended family who gangs up on the good guy.  How's that for Oscar references.  I've actually seen a lot of the movies that are nominated for things this year, but I think my favorite was The King's Speech.  I also really liked Inception and The Social Network.  I kind of wanted to see Black Swan at first, but then I heard it was pretty crazy and I've got enough crazy in my life.

Anyway, I don't usually get into the Oscar's aside from checking out what everyone's wearing, but this year, since I've seen so many of the movies I'm pretty excited about it.  Also, Anne Hathaway is hosting and I love her. I'm rooting for this movie on Sunday night.  Helena Bonham Carter is kind of awesome (and she's in Harry Potter) and Geoffrey Rush and Colin Firth are so funny in this movie.

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