Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 197

Today was crazy busy for a Saturday.  I got up early to go to my last early bar review class.  This was the week where we took the practice test and went over the answers, so we ended up getting out early.  I did alright on the test, not stellar, but considering I missed one week because of the basketball game/parking situation/weather and put absolutely no effort in to studying outside of class I feel like I did alright.  Anyway, my plan was to go straight from the review to the journal election meeting, but since we got done early those plans were all messed up.

So, instead I went to the rec.  Go me.  I decided to do some weight training since I rarely do that and want to strengthen my leg muscles so my knees doesn't start hurting again. I'm going to be sore tomorrow.  I still had some time before my meeting, so I decided to do some laps on the track and there was some sort of big event going on in the basketball courts.  It turned out to be a slam dunk contest, so I ran really fast around the far end of the track and then walked super slow around the contest end so I could watch haha.  It was crazy all the tricks these guys could do... ali oops or something like that.  Mostly, I was impressed that they could get their arms above the rim multiple times in a row!

After the rec, I had to go to this election meeting for the new journal editorial board that took for. ev. er. because we had to debate the merits of every single staff member running.  They should have warned us it was going to be so intense.

Meanwhile, back at the homestead...
Rick, Luke and Plencner were busy brewing yet another batch of beer.  When Rick signed up for that groupon I had no idea it would turn in to this.  Here's a little math for you... 4 batches of beer at 50 bottle per batch = 200 bottles of beer.  Where are we going to put all that beer????  Luckily 2 of those batches are still in big buckets.

We wrapped up our eventful Saturday with dinner at 23rd street and the Pursuit of Happyness.  Rick had never seen it, and kept trying to get us to tell him what happens.  I forgot how sad it is, luckily Plencner was there (and drunk) to mock all the sappy barts and keep me from crying.

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