Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 174

It's back to reality today, school and work are back in session... much to my seriously, hungover dismay.

Drinking Wednesday was a huge success.  Rick bailed after his first margarita because he thought it was gross and made him feel sick.  Apparently, no one else took issue with the margaritas because by then end of the night we were all having a great time.  Margaritas turned in to bowling which turned in to shuffleboard which turned in to a trip to the donut shop.  At some point last night I sent my sister a picture of my bowling shoes.
I also just remembered how bad we all were at bowling.  I don't think anyone broke 100.
Thank goodness Rick came back and picked me up when he did.  I was in bed by 9:30 and I feel awful today.

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