Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 178

Why did I ever want to become a lawyer?  They sure don't make it easy on us.

I've been looking into what I need to do to apply for the bar and it is a pain in the ass.  I have to know everywhere I've lived for the last 10 years.  The name, position, dates and reason for leaving all any job I've held in the last 10 years.  I have to get 3 people I've known for at least 4 years, who are not my family, law school classmates or professors, to complete a character and fitness evaluation of me AND get it notarized.  I should have waited to get married, so I could make Rick do it. haha

Those are just a few of the hoops I have to jump through and that's only signing up for the test!  That doesn't even include all the studying and preparation this summer for the actual test.  Whew!  It gets me stressed just thinking about it.

On a happier note, we were told today that we could have family members who are KU Law alums hood us at our graduation ceremony.  Which means, my dad can hood me... which I think is kind of cool :)

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