Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 183

All of that snow we've gotten is finally melting.  Yay! It's super nice out today and we finally took our recycling to the recycling center.  It had been awhile and some of it was pretty gross.  I can't wait to live somewhere that has curbside recycling.  They had it for free in El Dorado... which in retrospect is really shocking.

Rick was awesome today and cleaned the whole house, while I took a nap.  I was still really worn out from symposium yesterday, and I had to get up early and go to my BarBri review class this morning.

We finished up our day with dinner downtown with Karen and Luke.  I got this awesome buffalo turkey burger at Dempsey's that was their special.  We hung out for awhile and played P and A, which I haven't done forever. I remember being a lot better at that game in college than I was last night, which is weird because I was probably a lot less drunk last night haha.  Then Rick tried to teach us all Euchre, which I had learned a long time ago from one of my dad's girlfriends.  On the way home we sang some songs from Grease.  All in all a good night.

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