Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 186

The other day we were watching tv, and I looked over at Rick and saw this...
Look very closely at Rick's head... yes, that is the remote balanced on top.  I swear this picture is not staged... well actually I guess it is because as soon as I saw this and started laughing at Rick he took it off his head, but I made him put it back so I could take a picture.

Anyway, I asked him why he was doing that?  His answer: So I can find the remote when I need it.  Really? lol.  I suggested that it might be equally easy to find on his lap, the arm rest, the coffee table.  He's convinced that his head is the most logical place to store the remote.  What a weirdo.

1 comment:

  1. Your pictures aren't working. :( sad!
    Thank goodness for Rick keeping things interesting. lol!
