Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 191

Today was super nice out, so Rick and I decided to go for a run.  Back around Christmas and New Year's we had been doing a really good job of going to the rec and running 2-3 miles every couple of days.  Then I got the death sickness, and there was snow, and somewhere along the way our schedule fell apart.

Anyway, in an attempt to kick our butts into gear we went on an extra long run today.  As we were running we estimated it was about 4.5 miles... turns out it was only 3.7.  Oh well, still good for us.  I thought I was going to die.  Any semblance of shape I was in a month ago has all been lost.  Did I mention there were like 30 mph winds?  I'm blaming my weakness on that.

It's been a pretty slow weekend.  Lots of bubble buster and law and order.

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