Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 176

Today Rick had big plans for beer brewing.  His friend Luke was in town and they were super pumped to not only brew some beer, but also bottle Rick's latest batch.  Thanks to the recent snow, the beer kit didn't arrive until about 5pm, which totally messed up their very rigid brewing schedule, but they still managed to get everything done.

Meanwhile, Karen and I got up early and went to a pre-bar review class on Contracts.  We will be attending this super exciting class every Saturday from 9-1pm for the whole month of February... awesome.  We don't even get a real teacher lecturing, either, it is a recording of some guy we've never met talking about Contracts.  On the upside, this guy is pretty entertaining so it isn't completely miserable... for an extra class... on Saturday mornings. After our eventful morning, we decided we'd reached our thinking quota for the weekend and sat on the couch all afternoon/evening watching law and order while the boys brewed.  It was great.

I didn't take any brewing pictures this time, because it's all the same process... however, we did have one adrenaline-pumping moment when Rick cut his finger with our kitchen scissors.  I think he was pretty worked up with all the brewing excitement and he managed to take a pretty good snip of his finger.  It looked really bad for awhile, bleeding everywhere and it got really puffy, which I thought was weird.  After he'd gone through 5 bandaids in 20 minutes, I tried (unsuccessfully) to get him to sit down and elevate his hand for awhile.  The beer was calling his name, though, and he just couldn't sit still.  It finally stopped bleeding after about an hour, but he managed to bump it two more times throughout the evening and make it start bleeding again.
The picture doesn't do it justice.  Picture a gaping wound, spurting blood everywhere... that's what it looked like at first.

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